passable means she has a dick, right?

doctorisin's Avatar
Passable means she has a dick right? Fake ad, but that's gotta hit a lotta buttons for someone... red head, big boobs, loves anal and plays dungeons n dragons?

Wish I liked Smokin pole!!!
Yes, it means she's trans. Really low prices too.
gaijin1969's Avatar
I saw that add too... and then read twice. Yup said passable LOL damn shame liked the pics. Still, thank god they admitted it! How many guys would've been really pissed off to find a dick? Wow.
rke324's Avatar
I caught the same add in the Buffalo bp listings. Aside from the "passable" angle of that add, what's with the add location saying • Location: Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Hudson Valley ? I've noticed a number of adds lately with the same location listing. I found that suspect in those adds so I've passed on trying to contact anyone with all those cities listed as their location.
ben dover's Avatar
OH yeah 150 for an overnight...... You Bet..BD
doctorisin's Avatar
YESTHIS IS CLEARLY A FAKE AD not the point, just tryin' to have some fun.
trojantide's Avatar
I caught the same add in the Buffalo bp listings. Aside from the "passable" angle of that add, what's with the add location saying • Location: Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Hudson Valley ? I've noticed a number of adds lately with the same location listing. I found that suspect in those adds so I've passed on trying to contact anyone with all those cities listed as their location. Originally Posted by rke324
I've noticed that too. I haven't tried any of them. But I figured it would lead to some kinda cam show and the like.
doctorisin's Avatar
I don't care if this chick has a dick, I'd do her.

Life's just one big role playing game, and I need transvestite experience points to level up.
lickidyclit's Avatar
I don't care if this chick has a dick, I'd do her.

Life's just one big role playing game, and I need transvestite experience points to level up. Originally Posted by doctorisin
Ya know she/he has an uncanny resemblance to our beloved Allison but bigger tits.............
trojantide's Avatar
I don't think that's a tranny. I could be wrong but there's typically a tell in there somewhere. She look all chick to me & if not , ya, I'd do her.
Life's just one big role playing game, and I need transvestite experience points to level up.[/QUOTE]

YESTHIS IS CLEARLY A FAKE AD not the point, just tryin' to have some fun. Originally Posted by doctorisin
I've noticed that too. I haven't tried any of them. But I figured it would lead to some kinda cam show and the like. Originally Posted by trojantide
Prolly fake, or one of those spam scams just will load your email with more of BS 'offers' than XY has handles!.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Prolly fake, or one of those spam scams just will load your email with more of BS 'offers' than XY has handles!..... Originally Posted by Celso
doctorisin's Avatar
+13472464134: hey babe, u over 18 right?
+13472464134: So, before we meet, send me a msg on for my safety. I have more pics on there too, with my face. my profile on there is mizzcutie234

The bot answered my text ad is driving traffic to ... but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in.
THANKS YOU DOC!!! I almost saw her last night.. I missed the passable..