do you consider having sex with a provider and walking away without paying rape?

Whispers's Avatar
As much sympathy as I have for someone that doesn't get paid for services rendered I think too many people throw around the rape word for these types of situations and even robbery doesn't seem to be accurate.

At best I think of it as theft of services
Whispers's Avatar
I agree it's theft of services.
The use of false identity to circumvent a ladies screening whom wouldn't see you knowing your real identity is closer to rape. Originally Posted by Nailbomb
Lots of us see women without ever letting them know who we are. And lots of women screen and still don't always know exactly who the person that they're seeing is if they put faith in any of the screening services
Passion2015's Avatar
It's strictly theft. I don't even know why someone would even suggest it's rape.
Whispers's Avatar
It's usually a white knight thing

Rape means you have sex with someone without their having their consent. Period. That's why it is such a serious matter.

This can happen when force or coercion is used, when someone is too incoherent to consent (or unconscious altogether), or someone is not old enough to consent to sex.

I think there have been some grey cases approaching the scenario discussed here where someone tricked someone into thinking they were someone else (climb into their bed in the dark acting like their SO) and that's been determined to be rape as well. Arguably makes sense as one party did not agree to have sex with the other individual at any point - so no consent to have sex with the person they had sex with or consent to have sex with a random stranger.

But consent to have sex with a specific person at a point in time under false pretenses is still consent. It's always a bad thing. In some cases it may be a different crime (theft of service), in some cases it might not be a crime ("I love you").
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I think it would depend if the guy goes against the rules the lady has set forth.
For example;
If she says no bareback and he forces it anyways and doesn't pay - that is rape.
If it's only a matter of him walking out without paying, it's theft.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The use of false identity to circumvent a ladies screening whom wouldn't see you knowing your real identity is closer to rape. Originally Posted by Nailbomb
I could not agree with you more there, Ricky boy.
RandB fan's Avatar
Theft of services where I live is a felony
I thought it was something over $500 so it would have to be from a HDH provider.
Precious_b's Avatar
I've had a couple of encounters where the Provider has told me, before and after a session, that I didn't need to pay. If I took her up on her offer, I wouldn't consider it rape.
Maybe not "technically" but from a moral standpoint- sure, why not? It's all relative, regardless of vocabulary. It's dishonest, violates boundaries, and disregards the feelings and will of the other person. Technicalities may win you a debate or two but often don't mean much in the bigger picture.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Oh wait a minute.

I get it now!

A buncha DUDES

Debating what constitutes the rape of a provider.

That's it. That's the joke right?

^Just saying..
Billy Shakes's Avatar
Rape is defined by women while the act is perpetrated mostly by men (some women), but it takes a court of law and a jury of one's peers to pass judgement.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Unless you are a heartless neanderthal you must realize that escorts would rather be doing something else to earn a living. Many even medicate themselves to tolerate being close to us despicable clients. Anything you do to make their life harder may not be a crime, but should be considered immoral. I know that I regret being insensitive to their concerns.

But forced bareback is especially repugnant. How do the consequences of going for medical care (morning after pill and STD shots) plus the mental anguish, differ in any way from the "traditional" rape victim.

Yeah, this is slightly off-topic, but this WK is PO'ed that this community does little to stop BB monsters, but instead says Boys will be Boys.

An equally silly question as this Thread is "Do you think that your life has more intrinsic value than a prostitutes'?"