Keep Private Sh*t Private

It's not rocket science, people.

ROS is private.

ML is private.

If it's in a little box labelled "Private", it's, I don't know...What's the word? PRIVATE!!

If you don't have Premium Access (PA), you may not know what I'm talking about. GOOD!! If you don't know what Premium Access is, do a little reading on the site (again, not rocket science).

Learn how to use the private tag and keep private sh*t private.
Anonymous361's Avatar

Anonymous361's Avatar
Some just don't know better.
Thanks for explaining all of that EW. Just so I'm sure I got the gist,,, we should keep private shit private?
Thanks for explaining all of that EW. Just so I'm sure I got the gist,,, we should keep private shit private? Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
For a 4000-post newbie, you catch on quick!
guyzer0's Avatar
It's rocket appliances people
Bill James's Avatar
Chap0508's Avatar
[PRIVATE] how do you private post?? [PRIVATE]
Anonymous361's Avatar
Above the box where you type your post click the word private and type in between the boxes.
Chap0508's Avatar
Can't see that on my phone.
Anonymous361's Avatar
Otherwise you almost had it right. Just use a / before the word private in the box after your post. [PRIVATE] [/PRIVATE ] <-no spaces though.
Chap0508's Avatar
Chap0508's Avatar
  • 10-21-2015, 06:05 PM

Hilarious post, seriously guys stop it, I can't stop laughing.