Struggling with a birthday...

So, do I call, Sonya and Melina, or someone else?

That sounds like a fun idea to me.
You suffer so!
SpursFan's Avatar
Why not both as in a doubles session?

Why not both as in a doubles session?
SF Originally Posted by SpursFan
DUH!! +100
I did put the word "and" in there, not "or"... hehe.

I'very never treated myself to that pairing. Not sure why. I think I'm gonna make an exploratory call.
Dude, those 2 together for one hour of your life will make you not give a shit if you ever have another birthday.
I made the call! Send me in, coach. I'm ready to play...
I did put the word "and" in there, not "or"... hehe.

I'very never treated myself to that pairing. Not sure why. I think I'm gonna make an exploratory call. Originally Posted by Rover14
I was about to say, I noticed the word and in there also, LOL!

I made the call! Send me in, coach. I'm ready to play... Originally Posted by Rover14
I'm a young guy, and I would need my Wheaties and a soft prayer to survive them. I'll say a prayer for you, but you will need to buy your own Wheaties! Or hell, where are you at? I'll put a bow on a box and come over with it as a present from me!
Doglegg's Avatar
I had Sonya and Melina scheduled for an afternoon cruise (my version of Ginger and Mary Ann) alas RW got in the way and I never tried again.

My own fault. I may have to start trying once again.
Guest010619's Avatar
Adding that to my bucket (fuckit) list.
I pray you don't die but you're gonna have 1 helluva ride.
SpursFan's Avatar
Don't forget to have your Wheaties, pay up on your life insurance policies, have your will in order, etc. etc. etc...

ck1942's Avatar
And, for your next birthday, may I suggest doing some research just a bit later this week at the Hollow Weenie!

Only 40 to 50 "test subjects" (scheduled so far) from near and far.