Is there any interest in a thread dedicated to reporting bad TCB (e.g., NCNS and other time-wasting experiences)? On a forum that allows both sides to vet (as opposed to the lounges).
Apparently, such experiences are neither appropriate for the "Alerts" section or the "Reviews" section, and thus go largely unreported because (1) we hobbyists just accept it, and/or (2) we hobbyists tend not to want to post "no" reviews and be punished for it later when trying to book with another provider. Personally, I wouldn't even try to book with a provider that has inexcusable TCB incidents, and it seems to me that providers are pretty cavalier about these sort of things because there are little to no consequences in the marketplace of information. I mean, I may be in the minority here, but I don't want a $40 discount (which seems to be the rote response, I find) after wasting an hour or more of my time (i.e., hobbyist pissed off + provider having to eat a shit sandwich on the rate = good time for both? not by my math). Personally, I would prefer that providers to think twice of about their TCB on the front end (e.g., booking appointments without knowing for sure whether she would actually be available, etc., providing TIMELY communications about changes in scheduling, etc.), and frankly, it seems like it's gotten worse over the last few years.
Any by the way, such a thread would go both ways - hobbyist offenders too.
The advantage to having a dedicated thread would be the ability to do a search for a handle and be pointed to that thread directly.
Or are we just not interested in rocking the boat?