I made mistakes. I was/am in a difficult relationship with my SO. She found my site name and site on my phone ( i am not looking for info to not let this happen). I had 100's of post, and several detailed reviews. As soon as this happened I contacted a mod to please delete my post, reviews, name, etc. They changed my name from original, but it is easy to find from the other people quoting (no help). Now my SO is in a position and has the backing to slam me, eccie (maybe, but they are only a site), and providers in court. They are going to do damage.
I would suggest that you should never write a review. Providers need to know that ECCIE will not try you protect you from a scorn woman, even if warned. My so can now read my reviews for years (painful). Do not give info on this site thinking that eccie will ever help you.