Eccie will not protect us in a bind

  • lost
  • 01-06-2011, 11:26 PM
I made mistakes. I was/am in a difficult relationship with my SO. She found my site name and site on my phone ( i am not looking for info to not let this happen). I had 100's of post, and several detailed reviews. As soon as this happened I contacted a mod to please delete my post, reviews, name, etc. They changed my name from original, but it is easy to find from the other people quoting (no help). Now my SO is in a position and has the backing to slam me, eccie (maybe, but they are only a site), and providers in court. They are going to do damage.

I would suggest that you should never write a review. Providers need to know that ECCIE will not try you protect you from a scorn woman, even if warned. My so can now read my reviews for years (painful). Do not give info on this site thinking that eccie will ever help you.


Where does it ever say Eccie will "help you" in that way?
gptxman's Avatar

Where does it ever say Eccie will "help you" in that way? Originally Posted by OldTimeBuddie
LOL... I have to agree with you OldTimeBuddie.

This is a free site that lets you share what you want. It is your responsibility to keep yourself protected from what you posted so don't lay this on ECCIE. Haven't you ever heard of password protecting your phone?

If you can't do the time don't do the crime. If you can't take the heat stay out the kitchen. I am sure you have heard one of those before and should have known better than to be careless with your info.

BTW... California just passed it where a cop can go through your phone with out a warrant and don't think if you get pulled over in Texas they won't look also. Best advise I can think of is PASSWORD PROTECT YOUR PHONE!!!
Typical modern American thinking. Blame it on anyone but yourself. You are grown up and are responsible for your actions. You engaged in an illegal activity [ LOL !!] and you want someone to protect your illegal activities.

Heck, ex NY Governor Spitzer had sex with all those women using public tax payer [ OUR ] funds.. He had - hmm, hmmm, well , er , I guess not sex but physical satisfaction. LOL. And he was expecting his staff to support him when he was busted ! Thanks. Blame your libido and infidelity on others !
This is what happens when you do not C.Y.A.
It's just words typed in a fictional world, what legal action can anyone take against the providers in court? She may can use it against you but no devorce court judg is going to issue warrants for every hooker on this site or even refer it to the police, the system just doesn't work that way. If it did then the PD wouldn't bother getting on sites like this trying to set us up, they would just get the warrant and come get us.
As far as this site protecting you, try reading the TOS, you use at your own risk, you cover your own ass, this isn't the hooker mafia.
Tailgunnr's Avatar
How did she find the site name and how did she find the site on your phone? Come on man.

Tell her that you only boned chicks that were half her age and twice as hot and I think that will help.
Nah, it's even easier than that -- just arrange for them to have lunch together. I'm sure once they've had a chance to sit down and hash things out, it'll make it all better.

I've said before -- if you're doing something you have to hide from your SO, whatever that something is, you have a problem. If you can live with that problem, fine.

Just make sure you can *live* with that problem.
GDLMAN's Avatar
TheBizzer's Avatar
This begs the question... Why haven't any divorce attorneys bought banners here? Talk about a target market.
If you say you were in a difficult relationship then what you bitching about, you made your bed, now lay in it! Be a man, stand up to your wife and tell her, face to face, why you are out paying for sex! If she is not going to change then end it and move on with ur life.

Yes it easy for me to say, been there, done it, got busted by some ass hacking a providers comp, it cost me 110k, but I'm happy, she is happy and we still have dinner and talk 3 to 4 times a week. Life moves on!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-07-2011, 12:55 PM
sorry to hear about you situation. Surely you knew when you started"playing" that it was tempting fate. Agian, sorry for your situation, but what do you expect eccie to do?
So much hostility. Yes, he made his bed; no one made him post on the boards. However, if he is in some hot water, why is it so wrong to ask the mods to make things easier for him by deleting his posts or reviews? It's not like his posts alone make this board successful. He asked; the mods said no, for no reason I can fathom which makes sense. And you guys blast him? What harm would there be if his posts were deleted, or if all his posts were authored by "Guest".

I just read a thread where the young lady was ranting and raving about how bad all the men here treat her. She got the post closed. She made her bed with her comments. Then she didn't like the responses, so the mods closed the thread.

Seems like a double standard to me.