Help Us Help YOU!! SCREENING 101

Guest062010's Avatar
Since aspd's demise, it seems as if a lot of you have gotten lax in your appt. requests or perhaps you're totally new and just don't know. Most of the ads I have scanned, including my own clearly state what most of us require for screening, yet all day and all night I get PM's with "Hey.. can I see you?". That's it. That's all.
No provider references, no P411 request form, no nothing. Just a lame one line that will absolutely get you nothing but a frustrated lady who does want to maybe see ya but she can't because you have provided no screening. What's really getting old is when I answer a PM with "I'd love to see ya if you could provide your screening info!"...and I get back a name or two, often with one more line that reads "yeah.. so and so saw me about a year ago, we talked about her kid.. her civvie job..". Um. Yeah. Which of course garners the response from me that for one I need the reference's contact info as well as a more current reference. Back and forth, back and forth. Then it's two days gone by with time wasted merely trying to get the info for the screening, not to mention that it may take another day or so to get an answer from your reference.
**SCREENING 101***
Either TWO recent, well-known, established providers AND their contact info OR Preferred411 ( A direct request from the site is required by the site owner. DO NOT SEND YOUR ID AS SOMEONE COULD STEAL IT AND USE IT)
DateCheck ID (same goes for this site, you must send a request)
PM for handle verification, but always always have one of the two above if you hope to get to see any of us that are hard core screeners!!!

Hobby On Safely!! ~K
sixxbach's Avatar
glad to see you are back karma!
I understand why a gentleman may not want to post a review or post a lot, but guys....think about it from our position. Not all of us are the kinda of girl that just answers the phone and invites you to our incall. I don't have too many issues with this, but I do get emails from time to time saying, "hi I am so and so on Eccie or I was so and so on aspd". Some give references, some don't. My point is, how do we know you are not a Ted Bundy? Use a pm, send those references, or use a p411 request.Yes, it takes a little more time, but it gets you a whole lot further. The gentleman that follow protocal are more appreciated and remembered.
sixxbach's Avatar
what about al bundy???
Ready2Rock's Avatar
"Can I see you?" And that's it?? That's just incredible.
sixxbach's Avatar
well obviously if someone uses that (hobbyist) it has worked before. i dont think someone would continually do it unless they have had sessions with no screening. maybe im wrong
what about al bundy??? Originally Posted by sixxbach
Wow....He runs a close second! TFF
"Can I see you?" And that's it?? That's just incredible. Originally Posted by Ready2Rock
She's not kidding! Requests like that don't get high priority on a busy day either!

Many gentlemen see screening as a nuisance. We see screening as a safety requirement. Unfortunately along with the unexperienced or lazy hobbyists there are wacko's out there. I'm sure you guys don't want to read about one of the ladies here being hurt or worse. For us screening with references helps cut down the chance for this to happen. Work with us! It's always better to be safe than sorry!
I assume everyone is le or a serial killer without proper screening info. The world we live in is no longer good and kind with fuzzy pink unicorns frolicking about. We ask for info to protect ourselves. PLEASE send your info when you are making a request. Karma does not exagerate. I get emails like that at least once or twice a day. "Are you available?" and that's it. Or, "can we meet?" and that's all. I think providing the information above mentioned along with WHEN you would like to meet and FOR HOW LONG is also really good to know as well. So, as far as the jealous girls keeping their client from getting screened, or other issues-it's as simple as P411!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-02-2010, 09:35 AM
Way to walk the walk Britney! You have your preferred 411 link right in your sig; four stars, A+.
Whispers's Avatar
There are alternatives to screening.

Gentlemen should carefully way the pros and cons to providing their personal information to anyone engaged in these kind of activities.

There are ways to see hundreds if not thousands of ladies in every market place without subjecting yourself to a screening process.

Nobody is more concerned with your rights to privacy than yourself guys.

Learn your "hobby" and gather some tools and you can have safe encounters week after week without ever sharing your personal information with anyone else.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Ladies, I totally understand and agree screening is for your personal safety. A wise woman always has some safety measures in place. There are some really bad people out there and they will always look for easy prey. So this is in no way an indictment against proper screening.

Gentlemen have a problem as well. In the past, I have always had the tendency to stay with, and develop a relationship with two providers. One generally providing FBSM I will see most often and one FS I will see maybe 4-6 times a year. I do this for a reason. Safety and discretion.

It just so happened that the FBSM lady I have been seeing for a few years retired and moved out of state. She had a no review policy and ran only a occasional ad on BP. She also had a consulting business so providing was not her only source of income. The FS provider is totally UTR and does not allow calls from men or women she doesn't know. She to is leaving the hobby, in fact her phone is already disconnected. Because of this I have no reference at this point. Even if I did, they would more than likely not be accepted because both ladies were UTR.

Ladies, I know there is a close knit group here who have no problems giving reps. But there are also those who will not give reps to ladies they don't like, or don't know. There are those who will not takes reps from those they don't like, or don't know.

I am not sure there is a complete solution to this issue. Maybe P411 is a solution, I don't know. I am still not ready to take that plunge. I have to REALLY.....REALLY.....REALLY trust someone before I will hand over my personal information. I also understand you have to feel safe too.

Sad thing is, there are no absolutes either. How many times have we read about a well screened guy ripping a lady off, or expecting something beyond her stated services. How many times have we read about a well established provider ripping a guy off. No, it doesn't happen everyday. But it happens. There is always some risk.

Again, this is just my perspective based on my experience in this hobby. For me it is simple. I call you and if I can't pass your screening, for whatever the reason, we part as friends and move on down the hobby trail. I will not bad mouth you and you will accept the fact that there was some personal info that I just couldn't reveal to you. Life goes on.
I encourage pre screening... If you plan to maybe see me within 30-60 --60 pushing it-- days
And I do so appreciate the gents who request "Hey I'd like to see you, I have seen and I get 3 or 4 names"... I can immediately verify refs and all is good to go...I can TCB in a timely manner...
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
This is why I try to stick to one good agency. I get screened once and I'm good to go with a plethora of gorgeous women.

As for security guys (and ladies as well), if you aren't using a hobby phone, hiding your IP address, and using encrypted e-mail, you have no reason to complain about what information you are giving out - it's all out there already.

Guest062010's Avatar
There are alternatives to screening.

Gentlemen should carefully way the pros and cons to providing their personal information to anyone engaged in these kind of activities.

There are ways to see hundreds if not thousands of ladies in every market place without subjecting yourself to a screening process.

Nobody is more concerned with your rights to privacy than yourself guys.

Learn your "hobby" and gather some tools and you can have safe encounters week after week without ever sharing your personal information with anyone else. Originally Posted by Whispers
Good for you and those that ascribe to your methods. They won't be seeing me or my compatriots. Now BACK ON TOPIC!!

I started this thread because I honestly felt like maybe there were a lot of newbies who didn't know proper procedure when asking for a "date" with those of us who DO SCREEN. It was simply meant to be used a tool....NOT TO BRING OUT THE TOOLS.

We don't screen to get "your info". What do we ask you for??? We ask you for PROVIDER REFERENCES and THEIR CONTACT INFO. Where in there did you get that I need your mother's maiden name, your SS#, and your DL/Passport? Nowhere. And if you already subscribe to P411, you have already given Gina your personal info, so what's the issue?

Not every thread has to become a debate. Really. And A BIG ASS THANK YOU to those that get it.. ~K