the selection and the booking process ... sigh

dodger's Avatar
there have been some recent threads which made me think about the selection and booking process. so, i'm going to throw mine out there for comment and criticism and hope others will share theirs .. and ladies, perhaps you could direct us a bit ... sometimes we seem to need it.

usually in begins with picture so the physical connection may be the initial basis for engaging the process. i have no favorite type. a look at my reviews and P411 OKs show a variety of ages, ethnicities, body types, whatever. but something makes a connection, stimulates a yearning ... yeah .. that's it .. stimulates a yearning. something like, "hmmmmm .... my dick in her mouth? hmmmmmmm"

then i check the lady's profile pages and reviews, initially scanning donations and menu, to confirm that things are inside my ball park. if so, read the ROS to see how the gentlemen felt during the session, how they were treated. reading some reviews about a provider .. i may come to feel that i have an itch ... and she would be an excellent choice to scratch it.

i'm not a young man ... ok .. i'm an old man. i'm not going to cram a half dozen acronyms into a 30 minute session. i prefer my sessions to be 90 min, better yet, 2 hrs. so, i need to feel a good connection. i'm not a stud muffin and no one is going to get pounded, no head boards will be rattled. hell, the sheets may still have the crease when i'm done.

this is why the connection is important. and i get a sense of that from postings and communications during the process. i prefer to book through P411 because i have a profile on the site which explains a lot of this what i enjoy .. i ask the lady tor read it and tell me if we would enjoy each other. if she responds without reading it .. i'm done. of course, she may or may not read it and not respond, at all. i'm good with that.

i'm all about fulfilling an erotic romantic fantasy ... which begins when i walk through the door and ends when i leave. and it is important that it have a beginning and an ending. if i want a friend or companion, i'll get a dog. if i crave a roommate, i'll get a cat. for me, a provider is a girl friend for an hour or two. preferably .. the slut i could never get a turn with when i was young.

with this in mind, it isn't unusual for me to lose interest during the communication stage. it also is not unusual for my interest and anticipation to grow. i also tend to book some number of days in advance. i enjoy anticipating the session. i am grateful for the generous nature of the provider who is willing to share her charms with me in such an intimate way.

so, first .. physical connection. then menu and donation considerations. then seeing if there is a certain rapport which would indicate a pleasant session. then .. plonk ... i'm in.

this means that i look for a maturity in my provider, unlikely to book a very young lady. it means that i find a woman who is comfortable with this hobby, and confident it herself, to be attractive. a smart, even clever lady, who can be the slut. she is my unicorn. right now i tend to see gingerpie this way. she really seems to enjoy the hobby .. and the folks in it. i'm probably more jaded ... but .. i find that part of her very attractive. while i may think it's a bit blue sky or naive ... it's her hobby and i'm glad she feels that way about it ... there is already enough bitching and moaning .... but i digress.

i'll mention one lady who scores high on all these, if not off the freaking charts, Emary Preston her reviews show a constant use of superlatives. but .. this is the hobby. i have found i have many itches and require ... a bevy of folks to scratch for me. and i'm glad that there are so many charming ladies available to me.

so, i speak of the ladies with affection and feel inclined to be a white knight to any of them, met or unmet. i think it is unnecessary and without class to demean, disparage individuals or characteristics, or comment on donations, etc.

btw .. i'm not stoopid ... i am aware of the bat shit crazy (bsc) index and always careful not to step in that stuff. but that is easy enough to do .. and i appreciate the sharing of meaningful information on the board. that's what i find, for the most part. the sniping, scoring points and trying to even scores .. is unattractive. but .. like i said .. i'm old and have no problems skipping over that stuff, too. goodness knows .. in a group this large ... someone is bound to say anything i can think of to say

not sure if this was a catharsis .. i did not intend it to be that way when i began. i really wanted to discuss selecting and booking ... acronym vs inner beauty? shit, i dunno.

have at it.
mrhappysf's Avatar
I agree 100% and go about things very similarly to you, though I'm probably not as old. Use P411 profile, care about looks and menu, but attitude, enthusiasm, and sense of humor are critical to having a good session. My problem is that due to a lack of time and availability to hobby I struggle with whether to try a new 'dish' or go back to something I've had before and know I will like (comfort food). It is definitely a first world problem so can't complain much. Really glad you took the time to write this.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have a dream, then act on it during play time. This can be a verity of types depending on what I am felling. Selection is based on the experience desired, not the desire to conquer.

My research is very streamlined and on the safe side so not much is needed, but I do chose with thought, and to this day I have had no bad sessions on Eccie, mainly due to my ability to adapt, and to make it work. After all it takes two to tango.

As to the booking, PM for screening then text to communicate. I book sper the moment so not much pre booking, same day and short notice, this method is producing the best results for me at the moment.

Great thread Dodger--I couldn't agree more with all said. I also have several other ladies (not the same ones as you) who fill the same needs for me.

Love the Hobby and the wonderful ladies who know how to make me a happy camper. If that makes me a pussy-whipped, white knight, then so be it. Others are more than welcome to help shine my armor and follow me around the hobby. Someone needs to follow my mighty steed and clean up the environmental pollution he leaves behind as I gallop across the land, looking to rescue the next damsel in distress.

Hobby Safe, Hobby On.
Thank You dodger; We think very much alike on picking a new date and my thoughts of some of the posters on the board.

As to being a white knight; My horse is sway backed,my armor is rusty. dented and squeaks

Dog / 4