BSD Syndrome, In his/her own words ('cause you never know on the internet)

16yearitch's Avatar
"My checklist:
Brooke: Banned
Carkido46,47,48,49: Still my bitch
Daphne: Hasn't posted in three days
Raphael: Impotent, and hasn't posted in three days"

Isn't this supposed to be a community? (aka Hooker Board)
Where we share information with each other for the benefit of all?
But someone has a checklist(!), against fellow members. Why?
I've asked this question before and been accused of being a WK for a lady I've never met in meatspace.

Wakeup's Avatar
I'm way too busy with the military this weekend to be able to deal with this properly, so I'll leave you with this.

Nothing you say to me will ever make me change how I act. Nothing anyone else says to me will ever make me change how I act. So you'll just be pissing into the wind and all that will happen is that you're pantleg will get wet. If you really want to play with me, I'll find time to play back, but you probably won't like it, and I won't stop until I want to, I won't care what you think.

So I ask you one time and one time only. Do you still want to take the road less traveled? Because Robert Frost is right...that will make all the difference...

P.S.-Update your list...I posted a new one...
Raphael's Avatar
I'm way too busy with the military this weekend Originally Posted by Wakeuр
While this one hides behind his computer,
week-ends and week out
Better men
and better women
risk their lives
and their limbs
Confronting Al Qaeda
not kicking girls who are down
Wayward's Avatar
not kicking girls who are down Originally Posted by Raphael
Are you coming out Raphael? Will we be seeing a Showcase soon? This will be great news for carkiddo, we are happy for you and really feel good about this. It is time for you to step out of the closet and blossom.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
While this one hides behind his computer,
week-ends and week out
Better men
and better women
risk their lives
and their limbs
Confronting Al Qaeda
not kicking girls who are down Originally Posted by Raphael
I can hardly wait to see how Wakeup handles this one. It should be a classic.

Raphael, you basically called Wakeup a coward, so I would either suggest editing your post and claim you were PUI (posting under the influence) or expect to take what is in store for you when Wakeup quites 'hiding' behind the keyboard. It won't be pretty. Wakeup, or at least his board persona, is a lot of things, but one thing he isn't is a coward.

I'm not taking sides, but trying to keep peace in the house.
Killersalt's Avatar
Son of a B*tch! I clicked on this thread thinking it was about Babydollsnow syndrome. Damn dyslexia has screwed me again....
Wayward's Avatar
Puppet come and play with me... here or in the big league, doesn't really matter the spanking will feel just as good we promise.
srvfin's Avatar
While this one hides behind his computer,
week-ends and week out
Better men
and better women
risk their lives
and their limbs
Confronting Al Qaeda
not kicking girls who are down Originally Posted by Raphael
Dude.... Please tell me that you're coming to the poker game next week.... PLEASE....
TexasGator's Avatar
"My checklist:
Brooke: Banned
Carkido46,47,48,49: Still my bitch
Daphne: Hasn't posted in three days
Raphael: Impotent, and hasn't posted in three days"

Isn't this supposed to be a community? (aka Hooker Board)
Where we share information with each other for the benefit of all?
But someone has a checklist(!), against fellow members. Why?
I've asked this question before and been accused of being a WK for a lady I've never met in meatspace.

Originally Posted by 16yearitch
And you say WU's obsessed? How many times are you going to bring this up, even to point of starting a new thread when the old ones are CLOSED? If one were to say you are RIGHT, would you quit the Wakeup mancrush obsession? Because I'll gladly do so.

The guy has said repeatedly he doesn't claim credit for their bannings. Did they need to be banned? Obviously so - in the minds of the only ones who matter around here. End of story!!! At least that's how those of us who respect the actions (and inactions) of the mods and Admins do - regardless of whether we agree. They didn't ask for a vote, nor should they.

If Wakeup wants to keep a checklist, that's his prerogative. People may be annoyed or even disgusted by it, but unless it violates the rules, give it a fuckin' rest already. Here's an idea! If it's so WRONG to YOU, put him on IGNORE - you'll never have to read it again.

The content of your sig line and mine have nothing to do with what he may choose to put in his sig line. If the mods don't have a problem with it, why are you on this holier-than-thou soapbox?

You don't like the guy. We get it. Trust me - you're in a larger group of company than you might imagine.

NEWSFLASH: There are sig lines and images that offend me. And those have already been deemed WRONG (the word you so want everyone to sing in unison regarding Wakeup's) by the terms of the stated RULES regarding sig line size limitations.

Those that are larger than the posts annoy the shit out of me ....and yep (your word) they are WRONG - per the Rules. BUT, I don't start threads about it, I don't hit the RTM, and I don't gripe about it (this being the sole exception since the time ANONONE posted a lifesize male centerfold as his sig line). Annoying as some may be and scream "look at Me," I figure that's their proverbial cross to bear.

As an aside, the reason you were accused of being a WK for BW was based on YOUR posts immediately preceding your coincidentally timed re-emergence. The posts are self-explanatory. You've told me you don't even know her. I get it. I'll apologize from the highest mountaintop in ecciedom if that's what you need to hear to STOP already. But in fairness to you:

I'll summarize:

1) You don't like Wakeup (you are far from alone):

2) You want a certain answer to your question, and until you get it, you continually find new arenas to re-postulate the inquiry, previously Closed threads notwithstanding;

3) YOU believe Wakeup's obsessed with BW, but you share NO such obsession with Wakeup or his tagline;

4) Your posting history reflects you are far from above throwing a few jabs of your own;

5) You have not been promoted to Signature Line Monitor nor Membership Police in recent past (your kind offer to do so is duly noted);

6) Those charged with those duties have found no violation - or chose to look other way, as they have done with many including some mods' sig lines; and

7) (albeit posted elsewhere), you believe:

"It isn't about making lists (unless it's a provider list) of conquests."

(I didn't make that one up folks - I couldn't on my best day.)

BTW, are such lists grouped by number of providers seen or how much it cost the boastful listkeeper to achieve "conquests" of such magnitude? just askin'

Look, I'll throw you an Olive Branch. If this is truly so bothersome to you, and you're not getting the desired relief after posting about it ad nauseum, I'll give you a belated christmas gift. Why not join Raphael and carkido in their upcoming "eccie Mods/Admins are unfair - but we'd rather bitch & moan than take our ball & go home quietly" campaign. I offered to help them organize a March on Washington to publicize the National import of these issues, but they've not yet gotten back to me.
While this one hides behind his computer,
week-ends and week out
Better men
and better women
risk their lives
and their limbs
Confronting Al Qaeda
not kicking girls who are down Originally Posted by Raphael

You quite literally don't know what your talking about!
Wayward's Avatar
We will pay the cover for you to come to the poker game itchy, just sayin' If srvfin is taking puppet, then it will be a party.
carkido45's Avatar
While this one hides behind his computer,
week-ends and week out
Better men
and better women
risk their lives
and their limbs
Confronting Al Qaeda
not kicking girls who are down Originally Posted by Raphael
Yes I sleep well knowing Wakeup is at his post.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Son of a B*tch! I clicked on this thread thinking it was about Babydollsnow syndrome. Damn dyslexia has screwed me again.... Originally Posted by Killersalt

These squabble, bait, and bitch threads are like can't hardly take a happy little stroll without getting it on your brogans.

OTOH, I love reading BDS stuff. One of these days....

hi, babydoll...
chicagoboy's Avatar
I offered to help them organize a March on Washington to publicize the National import of these issues, but they've not yet gotten back to me. Originally Posted by TexasGator
I can see it now - the Million Monger March. We admire the Gator because he dreams big.
Is this the same Raphael?

Woman enough to dish it out smear but not woman enough to take the truth... Originally Posted by Raphael
Perhaps you should take your own advice.
If Daphne does not like here she is welcome to look for another site. Originally Posted by Raphael
Until then, patiently waiting for the train to wreck...