Dating Apps

Anyone use any successful apps? I've used POF (plenty of fish) in the past with hit and miss success. I'm not a huge fan of tinder, feel like I have to put in too much work, but haven't invested much time.

Anyone have any recommendations. Preferably the least amount of time/highest pay off the better.

deredere's Avatar
Okcupid is decent.
jad2826's Avatar is were I met my wife. She was just messing around on there and so was I and now we're married with 4 kids. It was kinda like the pretty woman movie. I Have a few reviews of girls/sugarbaby i have hooked up with on that site. I like that one for hobby use. I have met a few sugarbaby's on that site as well but that site is kinda hard to navigate.

If your looking for a longterm dating situation I would go with

My all time favorite is facebook though. I have met tons of girls on fb. Here I do it. Set up two profiles. One of u but with a fake name and another profile as a woman. Friend a bunch of good looking girls and strike up a conversation with them. Become there friend. Women open up to other women. One day u will see a post that there going thru hard times. Ask em wats going on. They will tell u. And then say hey I know a guy who could help u with a job or money etc. Then refer them to ur profile with the fake name. 9 out of 10 times they will go for it. Just got to do ur research, single moms, minumum wage jobs, baby ddy in jail etc. I have fucked maybe 30 to 40 good looking girls doing this. In fact some members on this board have hooked up with my girls by doing this. I love fb. It takes time but it's worth it.

As far as dating websites for actual dating go with

Hope this helps.