JadeRose - An attention starved person that lives in quite a creative world it seems.... Anyone else receiving unwanted messages and invitations?

Whispers's Avatar
Back in mid/late October I began receiving messages from this member that at first were inquisitive in nature but quickly took on an air of desperation as she tried to convince me that "inside" she was some kind of successful, kind and caring person that I should want to know.

I was provided her phone number and was asked to call to talk and was also invited to brunch/lunch and dinner in an attempt to "get to know her"... All of which I ignored....

I first explained I was not interested as I choose to see providers she looks like she could have consumed as a snack......

I explained I was in a relationship and had a GF as well.... I am not interested....

After being unable to "politely" get her move on in her search for companionship I PM'd her and copied Austin MODs on the 23rd of October telling her to cease all attempts to PM, email call or text me......

For a while it stopped but today the unwanted private messaging began once again.

I don't know if she has personally fixated on others the way she seemed to on me and one other that I know about...... I have no idea why me...... I've never met her that I know of and would never so much as acknowledge her in public if I saw her..... I have standards for the women in my life that she does not remotely come close to.

If others here are also receiving her attention in an unwanted manner I encourage you to RTM those messages as well.

This person seems to be incredibly desperate to connect..... So much so that she trys to obtain phone numbers from other providers under the guise of "screening"....

JadeRose..... I have zero interest in knowing you as a person... Zero interest in knowing you in your profession..... Zero interest in seeing you as anything more than the butt end of a joke which is what you've proven to be....... I humored your first couple of PMs simply to be courteous and the delusion displayed in them was mildly entertaining. BUt I quickly saw the lack of stability in the picture you seemed to paint and asked you to leave me alone....

You are a joke... a novelty act... the fat woman at the house of freaks..... your PMs were and are shared by some of us for the entertainment value and you are played in a variety of ways by those you communicate with in order to get more material to be shared..........

It's obvious you want attention.... you crave it here on the boards from guys you will never be wanted by.......

It's not just the persona you have here..... it's all the shit talked by and about you on other websites..... you lack discretion in your personal as well as professional life... you've been outed and seem not to care and continue to work and go to school even though your professional and personal life are already out there for anyone that looks.... That is so incredibly irresponsible IRL as well as your professional life and many that see you are probably clueless in regards to the negativity that surrounds you as a person that they could get unknowingly drawn into......

You really should step back and reconsider how and where you get the attention you are seeking..... you have enough issues in your life... Quit starting new ones.....

Quit looking here for someone to talk to and spend some of that money you claim to make on a professional listener.....
Still Looking's Avatar
Back in mid/late October I began receiving messages from this member that at first were inquisitive in nature but quickly took on an air of desperation as she tried to convince me that "inside" she was some kind of successful, kind and caring person that I should want to know.

I was provided her phone number and was asked to call to talk and was also invited to brunch/lunch and dinner in an attempt to "get to know her"... All of which I ignored....

I first explained I was not interested as I choose to see providers she looks like she could have consumed as a snack......

I explained I was in a relationship and had a GF as well.... I am not interested....

After being unable to "politely" get her move on in her search for companionship I PM'd her and copied Austin MODs on the 23rd of October telling her to cease all attempts to PM, email call or text me......

For a while it stopped but today the unwanted private messaging began once again.

I don't know if she has personally fixated on others the way she seemed to on me and one other that I know about...... I have no idea why me...... I've never met her that I know of and would never so much as acknowledge her in public if I saw her..... I have standards for the women in my life that she does not remotely come close to.

If others here are also receiving her attention in an unwanted manner I encourage you to RTM those messages as well.

This person seems to be incredibly desperate to connect..... So much so that she trys to obtain phone numbers from other providers under the guise of "screening"....

JadeRose..... I have zero interest in knowing you as a person... Zero interest in knowing you in your profession..... Zero interest in seeing you as anything more than the butt end of a joke which is what you've proven to be....... I humored your first couple of PMs simply to be courteous and the delusion displayed in them was mildly entertaining. BUt I quickly saw the lack of stability in the picture you seemed to paint and asked you to leave me alone....

You are a joke... a novelty act... the fat woman at the house of freaks..... your PMs were and are shared by some of us for the entertainment value and you are played in a variety of ways by those you communicate with in order to get more material to be shared..........

It's obvious you want attention.... you crave it here on the boards from guys you will never be wanted by.......

It's not just the persona you have here..... it's all the shit talked by and about you on other websites..... you lack discretion in your personal as well as professional life... you've been outed and seem not to care and continue to work and go to school even though your professional and personal life are already out there for anyone that looks.... That is so incredibly irresponsible IRL as well as your professional life and many that see you are probably clueless in regards to the negativity that surrounds you as a person that they could get unknowingly drawn into......

You really should step back and reconsider how and where you get the attention you are seeking..... you have enough issues in your life... Quit starting new ones.....

Quit looking here for someone to talk to and spend some of that money you claim to make on a professional listener..... Originally Posted by Whispers
"I explained I was in a relationship and had a GF..."

SO,GF,SB and all the strippers.....
And all the money makin' endeavors you brag about in the real world...
And this time of year is "the fundraiser".
When do you EVER find the time to come here and bloviate?
You are either the most multi-tasking person known to ever exist,or-r-r-r
full 'o shit.

:mf_laughboun ce3:
sooperpanda's Avatar
This is almost a threAD because I have a boner and have had a thing lately for crazy chicks.
nuglet's Avatar
can't ya just smell the desperation? it's amazing he has time to fill that ever growing bulge above his belt, and post, and date all the most beautiful women, and support a wife.. but, hell, he's superman, just ask him..
can't ya just smell the desperation? it's amazing he has time to fill that ever growing bulge above his belt, and post, and date all the most beautiful women, and support a wife.. but, hell, he's superman, just ask him.. Originally Posted by nuglet
"but, hell, he's superman, just ask him.."

No shit!

And the stamina of a Roman gladiator with all the gallivanting he does whilst shoveling down food,and then he takes all these hot babes home and knocks the bottom out of that hawt young pussy!

And still finds time to come here......

:laughin g1:
Precious_b's Avatar
Are you putting out a ManthreAD? Damn. I shudder after typing that.

Just block her and be done. You always tell people to do that. Follow your own advice.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah wish yew fellas wuld cut ol' Whisperola sum slack.
Ah, fer one, is impress'd wif how he's grown an' evolv'd o'er time.
Ain't nunya all noticed thet he's stopped using all kinds a diff'rnt font sizes an' colors?
We all grows an' evolv's. 'Xcept fer meh. Ah's already perf'ct. Mah momma an mah granny always toldt meh so. They said, "Davey, yew is a perf'ct fool!" Ah'm happy ta have made'em proud o' meh.
Ummmm you and who are sharing pms, I believe that's not allowed isn't it???
Still Looking's Avatar
After being unable to "politely" get her move on in her search for companionship I PM'd her and copied Austin MODs on the 23rd of October telling her to cease all attempts to PM, email call or text me... Originally Posted by Whispers
Ummmm you and who are sharing pms, I believe that's not allowed isn't it??? Originally Posted by shayla84
Sharing and publishing are TWO different things!
Although I don't know why she wants to waste her time trying to get you off her ass, but why would you do this???? You call these girls fat, but have you stepped on a scale lately??? Your no butterfly your self sweetie.
You are pathetic really, and you feel your mister big man cause of your financial pockets, but really if you didn't have that you'd be some big lump of shit behind the computer. You think your better then everyone here and it's so comical because if I or most the girls on here walked past you on the street we wouldn't even want to look at you or conversate with you...
Your fucking so disappointed and disgusted with your own physical appearance that you try to hurt others, maybe by what others have said to you through out your life...
How does it feel to know that you girlfriend, these girls, strippers, they stomach you cause you give them money, there are perks to having to digest being close to you...
That if you didn't have any money, you'd be alone and fat, fat, fat... You make rumors about people, you have nothing better to do, you stalk people and try to make there life on here hell, you've outted people and THEN you try to make up for being a bastard by doing your Xmas thing for kids, which if only how they knew how you really felt about them, or what you do to get this money...
You are pathetic, your gonna stroke out someday and not a damn person is gonna care except maybe your kids and family, the rest will be smiling, shaking there head and saying karma had finally done it's job...
You'll say you don't care, and try to come up with something on here to say about me, Lol calling me a street walker, calling me fat or some other name, or you'll bring my personal shit up again, but that's all you have, you have no originality, you and you Lil butt buddies all say the same shit, and you beat it down to where it just starts to get annoying...
I believe you were a fat kid in school, high school and probably in college, you for made fun of, picked on and bullied and then you got this financial power trip and thought "I'll make everyone pay" well that's nice, I was the athletic popular Tom girl that was friend with everyone, I've never been bullied so I guess I don't understand your issue, it's funny though.

Get some new material, get a fucking gym membership lose some weight and feel better about your self and maybe you won't feel the need to take your depression issues out on everyone else...
Doesn't matter, still against rules.
Still Looking's Avatar
Although I don't know why she wants to waste her time trying to get you off her ass, but why would you do this???? You call these girls fat, but have you stepped on a scale lately??? Your no butterfly your self sweetie.
You are pathetic really, and you feel your mister big man cause of your financial pockets, but really if you didn't have that you'd be some big lump of shit behind the computer. You think your better then everyone here and it's so comical because if I or most the girls on here walked past you on the street we wouldn't even want to look at you or conversate with you...
Your fucking so disappointed and disgusted with your own physical appearance that you try to hurt others, maybe by what others have said to you through out your life...
How does it feel to know that you girlfriend, these girls, strippers, they stomach you cause you give them money, there are perks to having to digest being close to you...
That if you didn't have any money, you'd be alone and fat, fat, fat... You make rumors about people, you have nothing better to do, you stalk people and try to make there life on here hell, you've outted people and THEN you try to make up for being a bastard by doing your Xmas thing for kids, which if only how they knew how you really felt about them, or what you do to get this money...
You are pathetic, your gonna stroke out someday and not a damn person is gonna care except maybe your kids and family, the rest will be smiling, shaking there head and saying karma had finally done it's job...
You'll say you don't care, and try to come up with something on here to say about me, Lol calling me a street walker, calling me fat or some other name, or you'll bring my personal shit up again, but that's all you have, you have no originality, you and you Lil butt buddies all say the same shit, and you beat it down to where it just starts to get annoying...
I believe you were a fat kid in school, high school and probably in college, you for made fun of, picked on and bullied and then you got this financial power trip and thought "I'll make everyone pay" well that's nice, I was the athletic popular Tom girl that was friend with everyone, I've never been bullied so I guess I don't understand your issue, it's funny though.

Get some new material, get a fucking gym membership lose some weight and feel better about your self and maybe you won't feel the need to take your depression issues out on everyone else... Originally Posted by shayla84
Are you addressing Whispers, GFEJunkie, Budman, Mike Veronsucky, Dante0322 Nuglet or me? I can't tell? You have been on this site for a long time, is there a reason that you are NOT using the QUOTE button?
Still Looking's Avatar
Doesn't matter, still against rules. Originally Posted by shayla84
If by rules you mean guidelines I don't think so!

#8 - Misuse of our Private Messaging system will result in consequences. You are not to spam members using the PM system. You are not to send invitations to other sites using our PM system. You are not to harass others using our PM system.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.