Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

kusmaldo's Avatar
Recently I have been trying to book an attractive
provider.I know she most likely has clients nipping at her heels so that's understandable.But I have a code,I dont mess around with married or engaged females or those who have bf's.I asked this provider,if she had a bf,she said no. But in her showcase pages she has or had a ring on her wedding finger.I tend to think as women are women.If I date you no matter if I'm paying for your time or not I look to a real relationship.I respect the guy here as well as the provider.I have dinner with this provider on 11/21/15 I hope I was wrong as she really is pretty
I too avoid providers who are in a relationship!

First, and foremost, if her SO doesn't know what she's doing the consequences, if he catches you together, can be life threatening! I had this very thing happen with a stripper I was banging!

Second, I like eating pussy and damn sure don't want some fuckers giz there!

Third, she's obviously bare backing him, while he's probably bare backing other girls on the side, which brings up a toxic soup of possible infections!
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Optimator really,what bf would be cool with you doing that
also she herself is a manipulator playing the game. All my money and effort going to another guy!
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ Optimator Really this female most likely playing the game. She's a #Maneater #Wearsprada she gorgeus but has her mind on other things.
pyramider's Avatar
Why is it any of your business if the lady has a SO?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@pyramider hey nice profile pic your wife pic, it out for you?
Im spending money here guy.Not for someone to just take it.I have my heart set on this girl.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@pyramider hey nice profile pic your wife pic, it out for you?
Im spending money here guy.Not for someone to just take it.I have my heart set on this girl.
gimme_that's Avatar
How much money are you contributing to this lady a year? Or a month for this exclusivity. You know some ladies do have long term rates.......but don't think for a minute you will ever control their personal lives.

My tolerance to s.o. is directly proportional to how good the pussy is I'm seeking. With that sad though......Id rather see a provider who keeps her s.o. in the dark........than one brazen enough to nclude their husbands or boyfriend in their exploits. The later feels more like a closeted pimp than a willing partner.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@gimme_seeing your preferences damn man.overnight rates cuddling?! With that much spent you should marry your providers. Hmmmm be up front and honest,if you have a man please tell me.I can pay to be exclusive though.But the money dosn't make it real. Does it gimme_that
Danielle Reid's Avatar
What about providers in a relationship where the guy is 100% ok? Because you know people do have open relationships and providing is a job. It just pays more than working at Walmart
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Danielle Reid at least at Walmart I can stack shelves w/o having to think who kitty is banging now.If you condone that in a relationship,and you a guy,you a pimp.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
If you think kitty is only banging you then you're the biggest sucker on the planet panther boy.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Weren't you also the guy looking for a dime piece and messaging her 10-20 times a day?
When you go out to eat would you be upset if the chef ate food besides what he makes? If you bought a ford but found out your sales person owns a Honda? How about if the cable guy had satellite tv?

It really is none of our business about there personal life, just as it is none of their about ours unless we want to disclose it.

So I take it that you are single?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@permission cook?ford?cable?what?!!! Im talking about a female here not material possesions. I guesd in this case a blow up doll would suffice instead of a person. Yes Im innocent and single