
I think I'm 99% on my way to my first tatt. At 47, is it a good idea?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I say, LET'S DO IT!!
You're never too old to get your first piece of ink.
JCM800's Avatar
Moved here from Coed.
You never to old to get a tattoo,
It's art of one's body, if you ask me. I have "a few" myself.
As long as it means something to you go for it!!

Do you have any idea or what you are going to get? And where?
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Do it!

A couple of tips (based on my 30+ years of getting tattooed regularly) ...

1) Get something original. Do not pick flash off the wall or from the books lying around at the tattoo parlor Design it yourself and let the tattoo artist complete the concept, or get a friend who is an artist to design it for you.

2) Plan/design a tattoo that can fit in well if you decide to get a full sleeve or full body tattoo. Everybody plans to just get one in the beginning, but most get more.

3) Find the best artist in town and pay the $ to get top quality work. A shitty quality tattoo will literally haunt you for life (until you pay more to get it fixed, covered up, or removed).

4) Do not get your girlfriend's or wife's name or picture tattooed on you. Blood relatives and beloved pets only (ex. your kids or parents).

5) Do not get a tattoo from the drunk hillbilly in the log cabin with the hand painted "tattoos" sign on the side of I40. He has no electricity or running water in that cabin, and his tattoo gun is hooked up to a car battery. He did a terrible job on me.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I think I'm 99% on my way to my first tatt. At 47, is it a good idea? Originally Posted by winslow44
No! Don't do it. At 47 you have no need to fit in with the young crowd that use tattoos as a way to join the crowd. As in, "look at me, I have a tattoo, now you have to accept me as a part of the tattoo group". Total BS at 47.

Tattoos can be a great hinderance to everyone because there is a large part of the population who look down on them with disdain. The contempt and loss of respect by many is just not worth it. You will be thought of by some as not worthy of even being considered to be a person - just because you have a tattoo. One does not have to agree with them to understand that it is still their view. Just understand that this is a part of life, just as many will judge you by your clothing or your hair.

Stop and think about it before any come back at me with comments about this not being fair. Life is not fair! Understand that last statement; I will say it again, life is not fair! It is what it is! People will always judge you on how you present yourself publicly, fair or not. So keep in mind that if you want to walk in different parts of society you will always find it necessary, at times, to present yourself in different ways to different people.

For example; for my work, and normal life, I do not require an expensive suit of clothes. But, I have one really super nice dark suit that I wear about 3 or 4 times per year because, at times, it is necessary to make a very good impression on people.

Recognize that all life is a game, a game of wearing uniforms that mark our place in society and result in how we are treated by many. Should your response be, "fuck em, I don't care what people think"; I understand. You can do what you want to do, just as others can reject you if they so choose.

Just maybe you want to be able to walk on both sides of the street upon which one is presented to society. If so, you could always put the tattoo in a place that could be covered by a short sleeve shirt when others don't need to see it.

We all need to look beyond the exterior things we see about a person. It would be nice if everyone could learn to look inside them and learn what they are really about. Instead most reject others because of just what they see, such as a tattoo.

Most people never learn to get to really know others because they never talk with them, they talk at them.

All great advice. I'm thinking of a pink ribbon with Angel wings behind it and a halo on top of the ribbon. For my mom. And a yellow star on top for my step mom who has been there since I was 11.
JRLawrence's Avatar

5) Do not get a tattoo from the drunk hillbilly in the log cabin with the hand painted "tattoos" sign on the side of I40. He has no electricity or running water in that cabin, and his tattoo gun is hooked up to a car battery. He did a terrible job on me. Originally Posted by RocketSurgeon
Now that is funny.

RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Great anti-tattoo insights from JR! Have to admit that I sometimes think about what it'd be like to not have any, or at least not have some of the ones that people find offensive.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
All great advice. I'm thinking of a pink ribbon with Angel wings behind it and a halo on top of the ribbon. For my mom. And a yellow star on top for my step mom who has been there since I was 11. Originally Posted by winslow44
I like that. Never too old to try something new as long as you're happy with getting it and having it.

I myself wouldn't get one... personal choice. Not the right one or the wrong one.

But if you feel strongly about getting it, do it. May be you could just sorta test out with a fake tattoo and see if your feelings don't sour after a while... You know what they say, measure twice or three times and cut once... Not the same thing but sorta the same result.

Where exactly are you thinking of placing the said tattoo? I'm guessing shoulder/upper arm, am I right?
A2theb2thec's Avatar
No! Don't do it. At 47 you have no need to fit in with the young crowd that use tattoos as a way to join the crowd. As in, "look at me, I have a tattoo, now you have to accept me as a part of the tattoo group". Total BS at 47.

Tattoos can be a great hinderance to everyone because there is a large part of the population who look down on them with disdain. The contempt and loss of respect by many is just not worth it. You will be thought of by some as not worthy of even being considered to be a person - just because you have a tattoo. One does not have to agree with them to understand that it is still their view. Just understand that this is a part of life, just as many will judge you by your clothing or your hair.

Stop and think about it before any come back at me with comments about this not being fair. Life is not fair! Understand that last statement; I will say it again, life is not fair! It is what it is! People will always judge you on how you present yourself publicly, fair or not. So keep in mind that if you want to walk in different parts of society you will always find it necessary, at times, to present yourself in different ways to different people.

For example; for my work, and normal life, I do not require an expensive suit of clothes. But, I have one really super nice dark suit that I wear about 3 or 4 times per year because, at times, it is necessary to make a very good impression on people.

Recognize that all life is a game, a game of wearing uniforms that mark our place in society and result in how we are treated by many. Should your response be, "fuck em, I don't care what people think"; I understand. You can do what you want to do, just as others can reject you if they so choose.

Just maybe you want to be able to walk on both sides of the street upon which one is presented to society. If so, you could always put the tattoo in a place that could be covered by a short sleeve shirt when others don't need to see it.

We all need to look beyond the exterior things we see about a person. It would be nice if everyone could learn to look inside them and learn what they are really about. Instead most reject others because of just what they see, such as a tattoo.

Most people never learn to get to really know others because they never talk with them, they talk at them.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
YE be a bit sensitive about how you look to others... Tattoos are bit in fashion for the younger crowd... But if it is really what the OP wants, I believe none of that will make it a bad experience for him.

Like you said, people are shallow minded. But then those people can go to hell since they don't know you, are not part of your life and are just like the random people you meet who couldn't care less about your tats.
JRLawrence's Avatar
YE be a bit sensitive about how you look to others... Tattoos are bit in fashion for the younger crowd... But if it is really what the OP wants, I believe none of that will make it a bad experience for him.

Like you said, people are shallow minded. But then those people can go to hell since they don't know you, are not part of your life and are just like the random people you meet who couldn't care less about your tats. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I knew that someone would answer like this. Duh, learn to read!

It is as it is! I expect you to disagree. That is the problem. We have to live by the rules of the society in which we live.

The question is, how much can you ignore those rules and continue to get away with it.

I recently had a really nice and knowledgeable serviceman from one of our suppliers visit for the first time. He offered to visit with some of our customers about the equipment that we have sold.

I did not have the heart to tell him that that would not be possible because of his extensive arm and neck tattoos. I can not take him into most of the large companies we do business with because I know what management responses will be.

So everyone can go to hell if they don't agree with you, or you could have limited your tattoos to those areas that you can cover up when needed.

I like to travel on the open road at 90 miles per hour in the hope that I will not get another ticket. Tickets are one way that society tell us: "don't do that".

Rejection by many is another way they tell us: "don't do that".

It is simple, I don't want to be rejected by anyone; and I don't want to think, or tell them, go to hell.

Some of my friends have tattoos, and some of my friends are black or asian. It is up to me to seek out as many friends as possible.

None of us need to make judgements about other people; just recognize that many people do. It is up to us as to how we can use the knowledge that judgements are made. Failure to dress properly for the occasion is foolish.

For the ladies: when you are out in public, no one knows you are a provider unless your dress, language, actions or tattoos scream out to others what you do for a living.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I say, LET'S DO IT!! Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
-Whoomp, there it iswheres the beef


That's hot

YOU are the weakest link

Can you offer any other platitudes that are dead?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

Recognize that all life is a game, a game of wearing uniforms that mark our place in society and result in how we are treated by many. Should your response be, "fuck em, I don't care what people think"; I understand. You can do what you want to do, just as others can reject you if they so choose.

Most people never learn to get to really know others because they never talk with them, they talk at them. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
well said
you must think of the pros/cons of this choice as you do any choice.
what Pro will this give you?
what con will this give you?

reminds me of an episode of HOUSE MD

"Kids" S1 E19
Dr. Spain: Wow. I thought you'd be the last person to have a problem with nonconformity.
Nonconformity, right. I can't remember the last time I saw a twenty-something kid with a tattoo of an Asian letter on his wrist. You are one wicked free thinker. You want to be a rebel? Stop being cool. Wear a pocket protector like he does and get a haircut. Like the Asian kids who don't leave the library for 20 hours stretches, they're the ones who don't care what you think.