But It Looks Like the Islamophobes Have Won the Day!

dumars's Avatar

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The House has overwhelmingly approved a bill to suspend the program that allows Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk.

The vote was 289-137, with nearly 50 Democrats joining Republicans in favor of the bill.

President Barack Obama has promised to veto the legislation, but the high number of Democrats voting against the White House is a clear sign Obama is increasingly isolated in his position on refugees in light of the ISIS terrorist attacks on Paris.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, CNN.com and CNN Mobile.
dumars's Avatar
"until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk."

That would be Homeland Security done through vetting!

A2theb2thec's Avatar
So it is islamophobic to worry about National security... got it.

We really need to understand the state of affairs in the world... Please pray tell who has been behind most or all the international terroristic actions currently?

Let me know which other groups we should be fearing besides the nations we stand against.

Also, let me know when you have figured out a way to tell which muslims are radical and those who aren't, as well as those who support jihad but stay quiet...

When you do... please share with the rest of us so we know how to combat this shit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

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The House has overwhelmingly approved a bill to suspend the program that allows Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk.

The vote was 289-137, with nearly 50 Democrats joining Republicans in favor of the bill.

President Barack Obama has promised to veto the legislation, but the high number of Democrats voting against the White House is a clear sign Obama is increasingly isolated in his position on refugees in light of the ISIS terrorist attacks on Paris.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, CNN.com and CNN Mobile. Originally Posted by dumars
Didn't you forget to mention that moderate liberal Harry Reid is going to filibuster the bill so Obama won't have to veto anything. Why do you think we haven't had a budget in over six years....the senate and Harry Reid.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk."

That would be Homeland Security done through vetting!

Originally Posted by dumars

In reality;

That would be an admission by the White House that they can't check out everyone at anytime and should stop or postpone this crap until they can get their numbers much, much higher than they are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Its a Constitution and not a suicide pact. If you don't have common sense when it comes to national security then you're doomed to failure.

For a guy (you're a guy right?) who calles himself a moderate, you sure make your case like a liberal. If you don't have an argument then you call people names. So if I don't want someone just walking into my house and helping themselves, and the person is not white, then I am a racist? Is that what you're saying....of course that is what you're saying and you're a liberal idiot. We have rules about who and how many can come into this country. Many made by democratic administrations. Of course those were democrats and not liberal progressives. Starting with Ted Kennedy and his 1965 law that gave us codified anchor babies and open doors.

Liberal method of argument # 2: If you don't have supporting facts then call someone a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Hey now... you be too harsh on Dumars. May be he be muslim and obviously this bill is associated with the recent terror attacks which supposedly have something to do with the Islamic faith. And seeing the possibility that the security holes used by those who would like to destroy America as they have done recently in France is probably something a typical muslim may be blind to.

So you can't fault the man for being muslim... a moderate muslim at that from being blind to the issues at hand. When you are so close to the problem you may fail to see the problem itself

I'm just having a laugh at Dumars' expense. Funny if he does turn out to be muslim.

But it is a problem when people keep equating demonstrating caution with intolerance.

And JD's example is apt.

IF you take out the ideologies and the people involved... and just figure out what the problem is... it's simple... some of these troublemakers are homebred... some of these homebred have joined ISIS and trained with... ANd some of these have traveled back and forth but now since they are all being compiled on database... they need to find other ways of coming back/traveling to the U.S.A... one such way would be thru the refugee program (recently used by PAris attack ringleader through Greece)...

And I am pretty sure the program allows these refugee to come to the USA way before the 18 to 24 month period used to vet/screen and allow them to stay in set ups within the US. Let me know if this is incorrect. BEcause that could be the time when they could just run out and wreak mayhem. And these bastards can wait.. so what is a few years until they can strike? Time is on their hands. We have yet to understand what we're dealing with.

The WH has no idea what they're dealing with. They think the problem is just overseas.

Are we going to keep acting like we haven't dealt with this before? It' utterly pathetic how we have made no progress in destroying this threat. But it's no wonder since WH still hasn't determined who the enemy is yet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many Nazis did we invite in only to find out that they were mass murdering camp guards of the like. Difference is that those guys were trying to hide and not kill us.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
How many Nazis did we invite in only to find out that they were mass murdering camp guards of the like. Difference is that those guys were trying to hide and not kill us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Umm... pretty sure there were a few. Most probably went down south to Brasil and Argentina.

Geez... obviously JD. Dude.. this is totally different battle we're fighting here from WWII or any of the fucking wars we have had... This isn't a war per say.

I dunno what the hell this is.. there's never been such a concerted mass killing done in the past without borders and with no real central location to hit.

People have a hard time understanding this is an ideology we are fighting. There are established groups fighting to exterminate non-muslims especially the westerners and muslims they don't like... then there are people who become radicalized (AKA the fucked up in the head people like the maniac Christians going on shooting sprees) and then there are the people who go to ISIS and get trained and come back as combatant jihadists. There has not been a precedence for this...

War has always been waged on the battlefield and at least recently has been frowned upon when waged in civilian areas. Usually combat is between the trained fighters and there is acknowledgement who are the fighters. Obviously in the barbaric times, anything and everything goes... no decency at all.

Now (or again) the distinction is lost where the battlefields are and who can be attacked.

Japanese brought the U.S. into the war in a fucking sneaky way... though why the US didn't see it coming is a bit of a mystery to me. But it did and pissed us off royally.

What is happening now is 100 x's worse. Fuckers are killing noncombatants/civilians left and right like it is their god given right to do so.

IF nobody is fucking pissed about that, what the hell are we then?

Geez. We're playing with ruthless people. And we are assuming that nothing can go wrong when we know nothing of the people coming in.

Am I the only one who thinks that the guys running the show don't know who the enemy is? IT feels like we don't know what we're doing and just acting like everything is normal and we can continue playing by the rules when there are no rules. NOw I Ask again... HOW DO WE TELL WHO IS WHAt? When there is no real distinction and there is a LARGE number of jihadists.. hundreds of thousands. That be a lot.

Everybody think things got better in the last couple of years? All the movements happening in America really getting this country to a better place?

I dunno... I feel like it is way more fucked up than it should be. America is becoming the land of the ridiculous.

May be I should stop staying current with the news since it is all soo depressing.
How many Nazis did we invite in only to find out that they were mass murdering camp guards of the like. Difference is that those guys were trying to hide and not kill us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like Werner VonBraun ?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
So it is islamophobic to worry about National security... got it.
We really need to understand the state of affairs in the world... Please pray tell who has been behind most or all the international terroristic actions currently?
Let me know which other groups we should be fearing besides the nations we stand against.
Also, let me know when you have figured out a way to tell which muslims are radical and those who aren't, as well as those who support jihad but stay quiet...
When you do... please share with the rest of us so we know how to combat this shit. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
and people concerned with the homeless of the world have blinders on to the homeless here
yeah bring more people to the USA who need jobs and will take from the government, we are doing great with 13Trillion debt, sure why not? thinking they are terrorists isnt the whole issue,#facepalm
BigMikeinKC's Avatar

Message body

The House has overwhelmingly approved a bill to suspend the program that allows Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk.

The vote was 289-137, with nearly 50 Democrats joining Republicans in favor of the bill.

President Barack Obama has promised to veto the legislation, but the high number of Democrats voting against the White House is a clear sign Obama is increasingly isolated in his position on refugees in light of the ISIS terrorist attacks on Paris.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, CNN.com and CNN Mobile. Originally Posted by dumars
It is easy to vote for something to play to a base when you know the bill will get a veto. It takes no balls, just CYA.
dumars's Avatar
Looks like a veto will be over rode and the bill hasn't gone to the Senate yet, I believe.
It is easy to vote for something to play to a base when you know the bill will get a veto. It takes no balls, just CYA. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Democratic senators are going to try to block it from being voted on. So we'll see what happens next.

I don't see what the issue is with the bill. All it is it puts more onus on the three top security agencies to give assurance that a terrorist doesn't come in. Isn't that what we should be striving to do? I don't get it.

I do understand that there is mistrust in the government since we have seen some overreach of late as well empty assurances. How's the war against isis going?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like Werner VonBraun ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Oh, we knew exactly what Von Braun did but we overlooked that. Be like bringing in a known terrorist leader so we can use him (and watch him) for something we need. No, I'm talking about a senior camp guard who ordered the deaths of hundreds or thousands and then was found living in Chicago working as a bus driver. Someone who was checked out and allowed into this country because their ID said that they herded sheep in Albania during the war.