have you ever just got annoyed by someone

sometimes i find myself reading things i get annoyed,, i can be at work and hear someones voice and get annoyed.. ughh almost time for a road trip to get away from this feeling,, people sometimes.. common sense not everyone has it,, random thought,,, sorry just venting
I agree Issabella, I have been reading some posts by a certain someone on here and every post I read by this person irritates me. This person has no respect for others which actually makes them ugly as hell and most of this persons posts are absolute lies I know for a fact they are lies. I am going to bite my tongue and not say a word about it unless I'm pushed, I don't want to get in the drama that is SO prevalent here. I am not going to plan a road trip...LOL...I think I'll just get laid by a beautiful lady instead....see if I can't release some of this "irritation" LOL.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I try not to let people irritate me unless I'm pushed to the edge
i really don"t it was just a rant.. one of those peter moments from family guy.. that episode that he does "you know what really grinds my gears".. lol made myself laugh
I agree Issabella, I have been reading some posts by a certain someone on here and every post I read by this person irritates me. This person has no respect for others which actually makes them ugly as hell and most of this persons posts are absolute lies I know for a fact they are lies. I am going to bite my tongue and not say a word about it unless I'm pushed, I don't want to get in the drama that is SO prevalent here. I am not going to plan a road trip...LOL...I think I'll just get laid by a beautiful lady instead....see if I can't release some of this "irritation" LOL. Originally Posted by clydesdale
Fuck that irritation right outta ya!!
BabyDallass's Avatar
Exactly what MB said, I don't let someone's comments or opinions make me mad...if you don't like someone's post and they are just getting on your nerves that damn bad there is a block button and you can block from seeing that persons posts...so if it's that bad, I suggest some do that if someone annoys you that bad on here...other than that whoever is so horrible you cringe when you read their post, block them and shut up whining
  • Sandy
  • 11-25-2015, 12:57 AM
thanks ms ivory.. i wasn't per-say speaking upon any particular individual..
Guest012617's Avatar
I agree Issabella, I have been reading some posts by a certain someone on here and every post I read by this person irritates me. This person has no respect for others which actually makes them ugly as hell and most of this persons posts are absolute lies I know for a fact they are lies. I am going to bite my tongue and not say a word about it unless I'm pushed, I don't want to get in the drama that is SO prevalent here. I am not going to plan a road trip...LOL...I think I'll just get laid by a beautiful lady instead....see if I can't release some of this "irritation" LOL. Originally Posted by clydesdale
Don't look now but I think you may have jumped right in the middle of it LOL
BabyDallass's Avatar
So block away people and shut the fuck up whining about this "certain" person that you can't put a name tag on....so press that block button and go about your day
Fuck that irritation right outta ya!! Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh
I have no doubt in my mind you could certainly do that for me. You look damn sexy and your attitude makes you beautiful and I REALLY enjoy a hot sexy lady with a wonderful "willing to please" attitude like you have.....thank you.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I love going on road trips when I feel I need a break! Louisiana has lots of things to do
cluefinder's Avatar
sometimes i find myself reading things i get annoyed,, i can be at work and hear someones voice and get annoyed.. ughh almost time for a road trip to get away from this feeling,, people sometimes.. common sense not everyone has it,, random thought,,, sorry just venting Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
It's funny that you mention someone's voice!! There used to be this lady at work. She was really a sweet lady but her voice was annoying!! Poor lady!! lol
I love going on road trips when I feel I need a break! Louisiana has lots of things to do Originally Posted by Jessika Sweetz
that sounds great. been too long since a fun roadtrip.

i need to find a way to make money on the road.
Never because people are going to talk that's what they do. I just enjoy life,work,and love myself!