I guess i am going to go to work

I had taken this week off but my GM keeps texting me saying my kitchen needs me.. so i guess ill go in and check things out.. wont hurt nothing i.. I need to get back at it.. I can't honestly say that i would only hobby cause my passion is always needing feeding and that's cooking.. I love both..
There is nothing wrong with enjoying your work. It is great that you can paid for both of your passions...
thanks matt.. i do love them both,, i am right now at home baking madeleine cookies before work. lol... naked,, funnnn
Naked cooking - sounds fun... And yummy.
Ummm, I need to visit your kitchen.
Not slamming you for cooking naked, but I think the health department frowns upon it...lol...pics or it didn't happen
No., I was in my kitchen this morning cooking.. Lol not at work naked.. Your funny��
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The last time I was cooking necked, i dripped a bit of reduction on my...well...it burned like fire!...and took all the hump out of my pump...