Holiday orphans

Yes, I am once again, a holiday orphan. I'm wondering if I all alone in B'ham or what others in the area do?
dj8rocks's Avatar
LTB, sorry to hear that you are by yourself during the holidays. I hope that somehow your Thanksgiving holiday will bring you some joy.

Not to be rhetoric or anything ill mannered, but have you maybe thought about doing some volunteer work helping at some of the charity organizations that my be feeding the homeless or needy during the holiday? Sometimes helping to put a smile on someone else's face will bring a smile to ours. Anyhow, best wishes. dj8
I say kick back, relax, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

I'd rather be at my house in Pelham than with the family. It may sound completely horrible, but considering all the health issues everyone in my family has, a gluttonous pig-out is the last thing we need. But they all think more of their gluttonous pig-out than they do the health of the family members. To me we should be conscious of, and thankful for, our blessings... which I am, but it has got to where it causes me great pain to see this senseless mess.
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