Rumors or lies either way I don't have time for it!!!

So recently I was contacted by Andrea Davis letting me know I can get refs from her, my first thought was ok didn't know I couldn't Lol

The phone call was very fucking confusing since I've never even talked to anyone about her, I don't even think I've said her name if I did it was cause someone was look l looking for a ebony provider and I gave her name.

Anyways so I guess some guys or a guy has said I told her I wouldn't take her as a ref or she didn't give refs or what ever it is, what pisses me off is they said I said this.

Maybe when I first moved here I might have been given her as a ref and decided since I didn't know much about her I wouldn't take her but other then that I have never even been given her as a ref.

Most girls I get are Renee, Gia, Kay (allot), Dallas, freaky keeki and so on. I can honestly say in at least a year or more I've never had anyone say, "Andrea Davis is my ref".

So please if you have to talk about a provider, start up drama, or what have you leave my name out of the shit.
To top it off she told me one of the guys is a cedar rapids guy, I don't see many and the ones I do see I've been seeing basically since I moved here.

I don't know what the fuck is going on, but i always tell all guys if there legit, well known verified providers I will take them no problem, im not gonna lose money over not wanting to take someone's ref that I have never seen an issue with.

This is juvenile and crazy and I don't have time for it and I don't like being bombarded by a phone call of someone who thinks I have an issue with them. Especially right before the holidays and I'm in the middle of shopping.

NOT cool!!!!