Uhhhmmm? How you gonna point me???

Somebody tol me I culd ask Scorpio31 or Noleftturn or another mod....an... uhm, question so I hit you up here.

Yea, so....I was, like, wonderin if yall have the uhm rules in..... uhm...what do ya call them thingys...oh yea, picture cards?

I mean how yall gonna give somebody points who can't read. In all my years aint nobody tole me I hadda read to be on dis ECCIE board. How do ya'll say that, like "sketchy" or kinda like "greasy."

Anywho...If der aint no pictures, den how bout Spanish?

For reals though...can you tell me how many points I can get in a year or whatever they are measured in...so I can pre-plan my tantrums accordingly?
I'm being serious about this part.

And a Funday Sunday to you!
JCM800's Avatar
An accumulation of 25pts wins a free vacation.
Well, I only get really stupid about once a month so I should be in the clear..

So what's this about a vacation with you JCM800? That's exciting... Where ya gonna take me?

What does JCM800 mean?

Oh, 1 more question...can I change my user name on here? I have had Ari816 for a long time, but a lot of newbiews have a hard time finding me when searching Arrianna. Then they say things to me like, you didn't have any reviews...so I was hesitant to see you...and I'm like, WTF? Then I messed with the search engine and found it was actually a little hard to find me. I would only want to do it if everything would transfer over.

Thanks for playing!!!

JCM800's Avatar
Yep ...all posts, reviews, or whatever go with the name change. Just PM me with whatever you would like to change your user name to and we can get that taken care of.

Be sure to check the member list though to see if the name is available.

Hopefully you know I am just fuckin' with you guys, in hopes of making you laugh. I read some of what you have to read, and...yep...spreading Sunshine, that's what I do.

So if someone wrote about Ari816 in reply to another message, that wouldn't change, right? just profile, reviews etc.

Also, will others perceive that as their being a "reason?" I would hope that my reputation would show otherwise. What's your opinion, do you think it would confuse people and do more harm than good or will everyone just catch on...or do I make an announcement in Welcome?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm trying to tighten everything up and this was an issue that I wanted to address.

I owe you 1, of what I don't know, probably 2 really.
JCM800's Avatar
Not sure if this will answer your question ...but really the only thing that changes is your handle. Everything associated with Ari816 will still be part of your account since this is just a name change.
Babe I think if you have a name change we have a "new name contest" for ya!

I vote for ShoelessArianna
or Arianna in a heel