remember when coed was fun?

sms918's Avatar
when providers posted pics
hobbyists had funny threads
when the vibe of coed was welcoming

Now.. attacks, stupid threads, putting providers down

Basically Non-Hobbyists (or Provider and Hobbyists using multiple handles) putting out crap to make themselves feel important.

All I hear now from Providers and Hobbyists (people actually in the hobby)is they rarely ever go to coed anymore. Not to comment on the stupidity, it doesn't help.

I realize this is pointless, but occasionally venting helps.
John4229's Avatar
Funny, I had the sense that things have been getting a bit better here. That’s not just coed, but the San Antonio boards in general. Compared to the way it was when I joined last spring - and particularly compared to the troll-fest of late summer and early fall of this year – things do seem to be getting better.

I’m not saying it’s a vibrant and active community. Those tend to be rare, and even they go through cycles. But at least it’s not as toxic as it has been recently and seems to be moving in a good direction.

Not sure I’d agree that venting helps – the trolls like to say “just venting” when they wander into the party and drop a turd in the punch bowl. You really have to get past complaining and take some action to help move things along. Start a few threads of the kind of conversation you’d like to see here, give positive feedback to people whose responses are helpful or interesting, ignore the trolls and gently nudge the conversation back in the right direction.

I’ll play along, and I sense there are others who will do so as well – I sense there are a fair number of people willing to play but not many interested in getting the game started. Present company included, sadly – if I had more time or interest, I’d be more proactive in community-building – but for now, I remain a lurker and occasional supporter.
ck1942's Avatar
Well, "boarding" is like gardening.

If you "weed" properly, you get a decent "crop."

I'll agree with the above that seems like fewer peeps are posting, but imo that is more or less cyclical.

Still a lot of viewers for some threads ...

If you are intent on having fun, you will.
Precious_b's Avatar
SMS, are you tempting the current state of affairs on north 35 to spread roots down here?

I've had a hoot reading all the supposed hotshots trying to get their me first attitude out there.

*sigh* It'll come down here again. They'll use any excuse to spew on any part of the board.
Still a lot of viewers for some threads ... Originally Posted by ck1942
I made an early note of this (and the pattern has continued) that the threads with the highest view counts are consistently about SW's and Moco-ho's in the "Other" forum. It taught me early that there are a shitload of bargain-hunting lurkers on this Board.
moebeedick's Avatar
I try to post funny things on here but rarely get any responses or if I do the discussion seems to go away from the original post. Most of them I just repost from my instagram accounts which get tons of hits. I guess I'm not as funny as I thought, lol! Different audience, I guess? I do enjoy the insightful threads with the back and forth convos between the hobbyists and providers.
If you want entertaining hobby related threads, spend a week in the Dallas forums. Lively bunch up there.

Cover Me, not to mention some of the threads with the highest counts in coed on the front page are with the titles about being broke, girls taken advantage of, recessions, and mother daughter combos out of all things. I'm sure some backed out of them as soon as they weren't what they were looking for, but go figure.
I've been conversing with a number of folks about this very issue, and I have posted on it as well in the past. MoeBeeDick, I honor your attempts at humor and fun in the forums, but I am so trigger shy about posting now because of the lurking guys into sheep buggery, or those who want to imagine they are knocking up freshman cheerleaders - in high school. Maybe I will get in the mood again for some joke threads, or redhead threads, or anything other than woe is me and the world is going to end, etc.

When I was a member previously this was a gun board. Now that I've come back after a 4 year hiatus I see there's a lot of bitterness and anger here. So yes I do "troll" there's enough drama in life don't really need it here. Thought we were all grown adults just seems like some people just can't let shit go or do and say things to feed their own ego. That's all I'm saying ...scroll on