Hello All,
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on "Medical Leave" from 1/13/11 - 3/15/11 (a few pop ins but out for the most part)
As most of my frequent fliers know, my son [Real World information removed. M] is having surgery (again) and I am a Mommy 1st. . . So, surgery is this Thursday (1/13/11 and recovery is a full 8 weeks.
Sultry Mia, Stephany and Brittany will be playing at my incall for those of you who have done doubles with us. (screening still applies).
I hope I have left a good impression on the girls and they continue with my legacy while i'm away. (ok, enough already. . . i'll be back).
Thank you for your patience and I hope to see you when I return.
As stated earlier, I will be popping in a couple of days a week for a session or two, so if you want to make an appt. Please PM me and I will try to accomodate.
Hugs to all, and play safe!
Please be careful about posting information from the Real World on this site. It could lead to unforeseen consequences. Like being outed, etc. God be with you and your boy. M