From my perspective...
Think of a night at a Canadian Strip club with a lot more one on one contact. Emma, Charli, Kalia, Lisa, Grace, Jessica, Legacy, maybe one or two more all dressed in festive Xmas wear, Chloe behind the bar looking sexy as ever. When the girls got there they wasted no time in getting naked and working the pole. A lot of girl on girl action and dollars flying everywhere. Music not too loud, spent some time looking at the program for it thanks to the DJ for explaining how it worked...Their was the normal Strip Club badgering for "Private Dances" but it's to be expected.
I was asked to bring my camera for some Santa photos, Major was dressed as Santa and he kept his pants on well at least til I left anyway. The smoke was no where near as bad as the first time I was there. Their are maybe a couple things that could be addressed. I was talking with a couple members of the place that didn't pony up the door fee, figured the back way in I guess. Anyway for $30.00 you wont find anywhere near the amount of naked action that was there.
All in all i'd have to say it was a success and a big thanks to Major and Legacy for putting it on. And a HUGE thanks to the FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT that stole 2 of my LED Lights and Shutter release cord. Hope you choke on them. So there were no photos taken, once I saw that I packed up and left. Other than that had fun.... BD