The Things Boy's Will Say!

The cutest yet, weirdest thing occurred... While out Holiday Shopping, I come across a mom and her two boys, one sitting int the cart and the other running up and down the isle. Looking for bells to hang on my chimney, the little boy comes up to me, he cant be no more than nine or ten. The mom is about fifteen feet away looking at other ornaments, I pick up a set of bells, and jingle them. I look down and the little boy is standing next to me. I say hello, and he looks up at me with the most biggest blue eyes and says, "Jingle my bells!" Before I could respond the mom is bright red, and calling him to her, obviously she heard what he said. She then came over to me and apologized, in which I paid it no attention, then it dawned on me, that is when he told his mother, "that is what daddy says to you!"

Out the mouth of babes!

Happy Holidays! & Spread some JOY!
Awesome41's Avatar
I enjoy a good bell jingle from time to
That was cute, Tabitha!

Its funny how adults react when their children repeat what they hear at home. Lol
Cute story for sure Tabitha , Happy Holidays to you too ..
When You Are Ready's Avatar
What a great story.