The smart money says Rubio

bambino's Avatar
Paddy Power, one of the largest gaming sites in the world, has Rubio winning the republican nomination.
Paddy Power, one of the largest gaming sites in the world, has Rubio winning the republican nomination. Originally Posted by bambino
Jeb Bush has continued to poll just below....."I could care less" and "huh"?

Rubio is a different story. I would not bet against him.

A Trump/Rubio ticket might be in the making.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Rubio/and anyone but Trump 2016
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 07:10 PM
Paddy Power, one of the largest gaming sites in the world, has Rubio winning the republican nomination. Originally Posted by bambino
Rubio wins if he doesn't screw up. I hope he crushes Hillary into the mud.
bambino's Avatar
Intrade was another popuplar betting site that was shut down. They were more accurate than the polls. It's something to pay attention to.
Rubio is the establishment runner-up.

If he gets it, I hope he does not cave to the puppet master.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Rubio is the establishment runner-up.

If he gets it, I hope he does not cave to the puppet master. Originally Posted by Muscleup
of course he will. the puppet master makes him, the puppet master owns him.

and who says the establishment favors Rubio anyway?

Ire Grows Over Marco Rubio’s Past on Immigration and His Campaign Tactics

"On talk radio, on the campaign trail and on television in states like Iowa, Mr. Rubio is suddenly facing a torrent of criticism from his own party unlike anything he has faced so far in the presidential race."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why would anyone choose a candidate based on the idea of they are the odds on winner? Ask President Dewey after his historic win in 1948 or maybe President Hillary after she rolled to ultimate victory in 2008.

This is about leadership, ideas, and believing in the American people and our system. Don't be a democrat and believe every lie that comes out of a candidates mouth. Vote for Sanders (Rich people are to blame for everything for global warming, ISIS, and the fact that you can't get a job). Vote for O'Malley (look good Baltimore is doing and I agree with my colleagues). Vote for Hillary (It's not my fault, none of it, blame the GOP).

Rubio has some real problems in the leadership department (he hasn't demonstrated any yet), experience (you don't publicly tell someone that they have devulged what you think is classified information), and honesty (he was against illegal immigration before he was for it, before he was against it again).

I've made my choice; Cruz
of course he will. the puppet master makes him, the puppet master owns him.

and who says the establishment favors Rubio anyway?

Ire Grows Over Marco Rubio’s Past on Immigration and His Campaign Tactics

"On talk radio, on the campaign trail and on television in states like Iowa, Mr. Rubio is suddenly facing a torrent of criticism from his own party unlike anything he has faced so far in the presidential race." Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Oh they still want Jeb. But I believe they will accept Rubio, if he plays ball. This assuming Jeb is a total wash, which I think is inevitable.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh they still want Jeb. But I believe they will accept Rubio, if he plays ball. This assuming Jeb is a total wash, which I think is inevitable. Originally Posted by Muscleup
there is only one candidate who won't play ball with the establishment, and they fear his comb over for it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gots to feel silly debating the values of these clowns. Y'all had better choices when Santorum was still synonymous with butt fucking and Michelle Bachmann was doing whatever the fuck TP pandering she was doing.

Ahhhhh Shucky Ducky!

LexusLover's Avatar
Rubio is the establishment runner-up.

If he gets it, I hope he does not cave to the puppet master. Originally Posted by Muscleup
He already did on immigration.
bambino's Avatar
Gots to feel silly debating the values of these clowns. Y'all had better choices when Santorum was still synonymous with butt fucking and Michelle Bachmann was doing whatever the fuck TP pandering she was doing.

Ahhhhh Shucky Ducky!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And how about you? Hillary, Beenie and Martin. How dreadful. But you're a stupid pig. It doesn't matter.
"Make America Great Again!"...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looks like Selma but without all the black people...