Why I hobby

Spent the day chauffeuring wife around today. Mainly because it is our anniversary. Yep. And here I am on ECCIE! Why? Well obviously there won't be any activities at home. Why would there be, hasn't been any in months. Usually several months between intimacy anyway. Been that way for over 20 years now. ( guess I should have never come back 30 years ago) however, now it is just cheaper to hobby than support two households which is what a divorce would amount to. Since she doesn't work, I would STILL have to support her.
Sex happens 2-4 times a year. And that is all it is. 'Hurry up and get it over with' bs.
So, i don't regret my hobby expense and my quilt feelings about indescretions dwindle due to spousal neglect. In the recesses of my pea brain I track expenses she requires while I work two jobs and she lays on the couch day after day. What I have to finance for her is tallied and ECCIE ladies reap the benefits.
Then, even on anniversary and birthday when still nothing physical, I shrugg it off and plan my next escapade with a pro! Seems to keep both of us happy and providers supported.
Pissed that after a day and $150 gift there is no recompense for the effort. So look out ladies, this old ass Cowboy will be looking for a poke next little while. Way I figure it. There ought to be about $$$$ in my 'I owe it to me' fund. And counting.
So, while I lay in bed alone I am mindful that a well attended husband won't grow a wandering pecker. Maybe the eyes will always peek but a well tended pecker stays put up. However, ignore that pecker and he will peck a hole and escape. If you get my drift.
I am pissed and on the prowl!
Somebody is gonna benefit from the wife's neglect and my retaliation. Prolly some big tittied provider that offers CIM and maybe a trip to the island.
And that ladies is one reason why your services are needed. At least in one case that I know of.
I feel your pain ! Lol. I don't have the yrs that u have but at times I feel like I'm a nymph and at times I feel like I'm a old man. We all hobby for different reason and I think that I do it cause of the threel of being able to see beautiful women use to be from time to time here lately I've been seeing sooooo many . Still cheaper to support I'll say two homes than to get a divorce ! Believe me I went to the lawyer and can't back on both knees and stayed good for about a month , then here I am back at it and have came to realize that I love what I do , I love beautiful women , and if the loggerhead stop working tomorrow I can cut it off put it over the mantle and tell my grand kids one of these days you know that thing really did a lot of women back in the days ! Then at times I realize the amount of money that I spend and dam I get upset , well I use to , then I start thinking bout the hell of a fuck Kelly , are roxy , are Torisue , are janelle gave me and I forget all bout the thousands of dollars I spend on getting my rocks off . Dam a pussy got major power and I just love them !
Spent the day chauffeuring wife around today. Mainly because it is our anniversary. Yep. And here I am on ECCIE! Why? Well obviously there won't be any activities at home. Why would there be, hasn't been any in months. Usually several months between intimacy anyway. Been that way for over 20 years now. ( guess I should have never come back 30 years ago) however, now it is just cheaper to hobby than support two households which is what a divorce would amount to. Since she doesn't work, I would STILL have to support her.
Sex happens 2-4 times a year. And that is all it is. 'Hurry up and get it over with' bs.
So, i don't regret my hobby expense and my quilt feelings about indescretions dwindle due to spousal neglect. In the recesses of my pea brain I track expenses she requires while I work two jobs and she lays on the couch day after day. What I have to finance for her is tallied and ECCIE ladies reap the benefits.
Then, even on anniversary and birthday when still nothing physical, I shrugg it off and plan my next escapade with a pro! Seems to keep both of us happy and providers supported.
Pissed that after a day and $150 gift there is no recompense for the effort. So look out ladies, this old ass Cowboy will be looking for a poke next little while. Way I figure it. There ought to be about $$$$ in my 'I owe it to me' fund. And counting.
So, while I lay in bed alone I am mindful that a well attended husband won't grow a wandering pecker. Maybe the eyes will always peek but a well tended pecker stays put up. However, ignore that pecker and he will peck a hole and escape. If you get my drift.
I am pissed and on the prowl!
Somebody is gonna benefit from the wife's neglect and my retaliation. Prolly some big tittied provider that offers CIM and maybe a trip to the island.
And that ladies is one reason why your services are needed. At least in one case that I know of. Originally Posted by cowboyup1960
Hearing that just makes me depressed, marriage is most certainly out of the picture for me.
Well Izzy, marriage IS depressing 90% of the time. Stay single my friend. Life is way less complicated when you only have YOUR habits to support. Her habits are always way more expensive than his. Men can live cheap. It is expensive keeping a woman content though.
Hobby is way more economical! Wish I was that wise a loooong time ago.
bistraight69's Avatar
During the marriage the man will ask for or mention greek,COB,3sum,strip club,lifestyle,etc.. and the wife will say NOoooo and then ask you do you want to do that and you say NOoooo honey to save face. After you get caught cheating she gets mad because she knows she's not taking care of busines BCD. The husband does bear some responablity for marrying a girl that he knows can't fufill his needs when you need her to be more then just mother of your children.

I have been married for 24 years I'll never forget the words of advice my father gave me when I told him about my plans to get married. Remember my father was the ultimate monger, he was a monger before there were mongers with his 4 marriages and divorces and his numerous girlfriends/SB. He told me that at the beginning of your marriage you won't be watching training videos(Porn)together but you will want to do those things in the videos so make sure you marry a girl that will eventually be willing to participate. You need her to be more then just the mother of your children or you'll be going down my road of not spending quality time with your mate, heartbreak and costly divorces.

Divorce means she would take half. Which in turn means you will no longer have the $$$ for your SB, GF, provider, etc. Ever heard of the saying, "It's cheaper to keep her!"
For me it's not so much the sex, I'm just a narcissist.....
Though I am not married and just 22, you guys make it seem like it's torture. Makes me wonder if you just settled for what you could have at the time or REALLY spent time choosing the woman. Yeah I know, "people change", but I've seen many successful marriages in the world thrive because as "people changed" so did their methods of showing affection and the effort to provide the same things that made them fall in love in the first place. Those people are the ones who never stopped dating their wives and showing them that they mattered.

For me, honestly, I want to get married someday. I want that adventure, not just for the sex but to do what my father never could do for whatever reason. I don't want to be a statistic. I'm here on Eccie honestly because sometimes it feels like I'm placing hope in something that probably won't happen for me. I'm at best filling a void. That's just honesty. Shit, it'll be hard to find a woman that will DT like I want but man, sometime this will come to an end like all things. It's fun for the moment, but I don't think any of us really want to die alone. That's where Eccie will get most of us in the end. Still as alone as the day we joined. So really, dudes, don't settle for the sake of settling. That's such a tragedy for us as human beings. Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I think each one of you who are married even now can find a way to revive that marriage. It might just first start with looking within yourself.

I can tell you one thing is definitely true. No matter how much money you spend on a woman, it will never be root of what makes her love you.
Those are good words Myusica and I used to feel the same way but unfortunately I don't wan't marriage or a GF at this point. Ladies of the real world had their chance and I'm done! After repeat rejections, being used for money and just bad luck in general, made me change my mind about any relationship. I had some women wouldn't even give me a chance knowing that I was a good catch and get with the next guy who has nothing to offer. Now these days it seems like the only attention I get from RW women is the ones who see me as nothing but a dollar sign. With that said this is why I hobby. I'm single and just like every man or woman I have sexual desires and why let someone in the RW try to used me, when I can go see a provider. I'm not going to completely rule out ever being in a relationship but It's something that will have to happen organically because I'm definitely not looking.
kiki2012's Avatar
I been curious about this lately. Seems very common !! Guys tell me they go Months or longer with Nothing and have to watch porn. I also wonder if when women go thru menopause affect libido. But I hear some are very sexually even after menopause. I dunno much guess I find out in the future! Far future!Lol
MuffinMan's Avatar
Just remember, boys....It's always just cheaper to keep her! Good mom, great life partner and an amazing woman.....but a lousy lover. lol
Hey, I can only speak for me. My situation is simple economics at this point. Spent first twenty or so years determined to be the best husband ever. Gifts, special occasions etc. have picked her up from work(when she worked) on Friday and whisked her away for weekend surprise and did special shit all the time attempting to make her enjoy life. Finally gave up a while ago and even told her I was done jumping over the moon for her when she never seemed to be happy. Offered to send her away with all I had if that would make her happy but she is still here.
So, nooooooooo, she does not know I hobby. But she has to suspect something. But for now, a provider every now and then fills the void. May change later. We will see. But right now it is economics. Much cheaper to house both of us in one residence. Even if we don't even share the same bedroom anymore. Our awake hours are different and all.
Providers are my outlet and my sanity for now. If you can consider that sane!
44formore's Avatar
She wanted the cabinets redone... I'm no carpenter... she hired one.
She wanted the bathrooms redone... I'm no plumber... she hired one.
She wanted new gardens... I'm no landscaper... she hired one...

I hobby