How do I change the caption for avatar?

PsychedelicMut's Avatar
The label for my avatar is "Gaining momentum". I would like to change it to "Psychedelic Dog".
Relax. It's assigned to you by the number of posts as you rise from being no one no one knows. You can't change it.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Gotcha. My was wandering. Now, I remember.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Is there a way I can change my user name? If so will the user name on my posts and messages change to match the new one?
Is there a way I can change my user name? If so will the user name on my posts and messages change to match the new one? Originally Posted by frolic
Yes, you can. Just pm the mods with your requested new handle. Be sure to check to see if the new handle you want is available first.

All your posts will update with your new handle after the change.
Yes you can change your handle. PM any Arkansas Mod with the reason for the change and three names you would like in order of preference.

As for changing the other.

Go to your inbox. Click on "edit your details. On the left under "your control panel"

Look for custom user title. the rest should be self explanatory.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
You are such a sweetheart.
Thank you.