SO TX - Low Participation

  • STF
  • 12-29-2015, 03:55 AM
There have been conversations for quite sometime now as of why our board participation has gone down overtime.

Wondering what you may think the reason could be?

We are going to offer some posible root causes and it would be great if you can too.

Hopefully this could lead us into making this board more active, fun, interesting and informational.

Several years ago we had a fairly active board down here, considering the number of people involved. For the most part we didn't have a lot of drama, and folks mostly posted fun or interesting things. The mods had a pretty easy time policing this area.

Probably half the girls that we saw were utr types of one sort or another, and most were brought in by one of us. Lots of sharing went on , and we all enjoyed the benefits.
Now it seems that the same practice we used for years is against the rules, and the fellas are now called pimps.

Not long ago we seemed to be having more participation and people were starting to have fun here again, when the Optimator raised his ugly head and began crying about rules violations.
We all know this was done because of a personal issue, and him being excluded from some things.

Apparently the powers that be agreed with much of what he was crying about, and some changes were made here , and it has left a bad taste with many of us. With our numbers being small to start with it doesn't take much to slow down the activity here.

That's my take on why we are slow. What can be done to help? I think not taking any of this too seriously is a good start. Have some fun, talk some shit, tell a joke. Make fun of someone and get everyone laughing.

For the girls this is a business, but for us fellas it's a hobby and should be fun. Would you go golfing or fishing if you had to deal with drama every time you went ?

If you want this to be a fun and lively board, then you need to post. Post a review, post in the co ed, mens lounge or whatever, but if you don't post this place dries up.
bistraight69's Avatar
1st of all the South Tx area is small. All the mongers are fucking the same provider so nothing new to report there. South TX is the only area where you can not talk about UTR. I never been able to figure out why, up the road (Houston etc..) they can talk about UTR all day long and post a review

If you can not discus topics that popular like UTR it limits the topics you can talk about. For example if I want to talk about UTR I must discuss it in Houston, San Antonio etc...

At the moment all the new talent is So TX agency driven or managed, One does not want say the wrong thing even if it's true to be cut off from the new talent/pussy
mirandalee's Avatar
I personally don't just treat this as a business only I have fun and my sessions are never like a business transaction. I prefer to be low volume so do not want to see a lot of guys and once in awhile I post. What I have noticed are guys posting treads bitching and complaining like Jr high little girls lol its crazy thought this board is about meeting people and having fun.... I have noticed a lot of agencies down here and not many independent providers but oh well...
down4fun's Avatar
I think it has to do with the fact that 95% of the providers are in and around the McAllen area and all the meet and greets are in CC. I would love to see some more or even one type of meet and greet here in the RGV. I think that it would help build a better community if you had more than just a post from us about a provider.

Just my two cents.
hobbylover's Avatar
I think it has to do with the fact that 95% of the providers are in and around the McAllen area and all the meet and greets are in CC. I would love to see some more or even one type of meet and greet here in the RGV. I think that it would help build a better community if you had more than just a post from us about a provider.

Just my two cents. Originally Posted by down4fun
The meet and greets are a good way to take the anonymity from posting on the board. Then again, there are some who like anonymity and are afraid of ass kicking so never show up at a social. All board drama (real or imagined) stays on the board, and if it spills over to a social, they will not be asked to another.

As for the M&G's being in CC, and not the McAllen area you have to remember, the socials have nothing to do with ECCIE and vice versa. The McAllen area just needs someone to organize these. If you have questions, PM me.

Hunter361's Avatar
All the drama caused by Louigi and his crew took the fun out of being a perv on ECCIE. It will take time for the wounds to heal but it will come back. Mr. Smith is spot on.
mirandalee's Avatar
Meet and greets are fun this is a good idea we can meet up at a sports bar or a place where we can have reservations hmmm
down4fun's Avatar
Ass kicking sad but boys will be boys. Drama free since 76 ; ) I have seen on here where one of the agencies had some kind of football Sunday BBQ but it never came to fruition. O well I guess I will just have to run up to CC to see how it should be done some day??
hobbylover's Avatar
Ass kicking sad but boys will be boys. Drama free since 76 ; ) I have seen on here where one of the agencies had some kind of football Sunday BBQ but it never came to fruition. O well I guess I will just have to run up to CC to see how it should be done some day?? Originally Posted by down4fun
Sounds good. But if you really want to see how it's done, watch the master of socializing, CK1942 up in SA or Austin. I've learned a lot from going there too.

There may be a get together next month depending on RW commitments and maybe a lunch for the ladies. Stay tuned.
mirandalee's Avatar
CK is basdass maybe one day he can come down and work his magic
down4fun's Avatar
Sounds good I would just like to do more than type response to people I don’t know. There are not enough people in Harlingen, to do anything like that as far as I know it’s just me and one provider. That could work if she would respond to my Email lol… thanks
I think the board has died down because of drama. Who the hell wants that here too besides the BS we go through each day?
Jack Johnson's Avatar
@STF - Good least thought-provoking. The recent drama was definitely a factor in my lack of participation. I did my best to ignore it and steer clear, because I just never imagined a good end to it all. And my lack of imagination proved correct. Very little changed; some members are banned, some are not. We have new moderators, and I offer again my congratulations to EW. It is a thankless job, but I trust that you will give a fair effort.

It appears we now have 4 mods. Is that correct? So the Col. is still among the living? I never know the truth of anything anymore on this board. There is far too much deception being perpetrated on the new members, those who have not yet figured out that some of the independents are not truly independent. And for some, the mods appear to simply turn their heads, while others feel the weight of the modtard wrath for the same activities.

The removal of the SNATCH thread was the kicker for me. I never got to take advantage of a last minute availability, but I always hoped that eventually there would be escorts in Brownsville that would list their last minute services available. The way they took it from us reveals a lot about the moderation of the South Texas ECCIE. The mod wrote that there were too many rules violations. There were not...because STF posted the rules and the mods never offered any revision to those rules. The mods were missing in action. But as soon as the new mods are in place, instead of posting a set of rules and enforcing them, the mods simply shut down the thread. Thanks.

Sorry for going on and on, but I just got fed up and went and found my own UTRs, whom I can review, but can't get credit for, or some such nonsense. When all the drama dies down, and I lose my current SBs, I may come back to participate.
dearhunter's Avatar
Jack, you seem sincere in your assessment. So, I will give you a helpful answer. The SNATCH thread was full of violations. But, your modtard was not enforcing the guidelines. A SNATCH thread is a lot of work for a modtard team. Because, whores don't read and follow directions. Every post in that threAD that posted anything beyond "I am available right now" or "My 10am today cancelled. So,I am available" was in violation. Every post that said they were available for the next day. Every post that said "HI, I am here for 2 days". Every post that posted price and arrival to the valley information were a violation. There were more violations in the thread than non-violations.

South Texas does not get a separate set of guidelines than the rest of the board. The SA modtards are constantly dealing with violations in their SNATCH forum. Houston and Dallas modtards got fed up with all the work and shut theirs down. You, as a member, do not see that. Because, only the member in violation gets that PM.

You (South Texas) do not have a right to a SNATCH thread. You have one modtard MIA. You have one modtard who showed no interest in moderating the SNATCH thread. You have one rookie modtard who does not yet know how to moderate a SNATCH thread. That puts it all on biomed1's shoulders. It is up to him whether to take on that task. You do have the benefit of being a small market. Two modtards willing to do the work should be able to handle it. The key is cooperation from your whores. It is not supposed to be a place where whores rack up points that get them banned for 90days. It is also not an additional location for a whore to place an AD.

If you would like to see the violations, I have gone into the SNATCH thread and posted "violation" in each post that does not conform. There look to be about 30 correct posts and 24 violations.

I hope that was get the forum you deserve.