Women are women, playing games is just in their nature... DON'T HIT ME.... and we are men and deserve a few bops on the head occasionally. No one is perfect. Ahh but life is that much more enjoyable when you only have minimal worries and uncomplicated, unattached dealings with a fine lady.
Very well put TravelerMan. Games are part of our make-up. But we are very lucky to have some very nice women who will put aside games for an hour or so and let us enjoy ourselves in this hobby. But, there are rarely "unattached dealings with a fine lady" in this hobby... I much prefer being attached!
RW women are nutz!!! The try to change every guy they date and once he changes for them they are still not happy. They constatnly make shit up thier heads that is completey wrong or outrageous in regards to a situation.
The make decisions on emotion rather than common sense and logic...
Now that is not every woman, and yes men are idiots too....
so for me I will just stay single, only way I would ever get married is if she is RICH!! I am talking 7+ figures in the bank
Butters: "every boy pays for kisses, Kyle. Do you know what I am saying?" <<<someone find me this meme!! ..to busy..or lazy you decide
Originally Posted by gingerpie
Butters: "every boy pays for kisses, Kyle. Do you know what I am saying?" <<<someone find me this meme!! ..to busy..or lazy you decide
Originally Posted by gingerpie
If only all men felt this way about us. Omg. My life would be so less complicated. Lol.
I can't do the civi thing. Too much drama and games. My brain doesn't compute. I honestly have such a hard time in the civilian world.
I'm like okay. Here I am. I lay all my cards out. And it really just scares the shit out of guys. Lol.
Or I get scared they are going to hurt me, and push them away. Then I regret it later. I've gotten much better, but still... civilians are something else.