Fee - the true definetion

Totempole's Avatar
Seems like the good folks who post reviews are not aware of the definition of "Fee". It would be nice to know the total paid and not just the starting price.

Any way to make it clear would be nice.

Dictionary.com defines 'Fee' as:

1. a charge or payment for professional services: a doctor's fee.
2. a sum paid or charged for a privilege: an admission fee.
3. a charge allowed by law for the service of a public officer.
4. Law .
a. an estate of inheritance in land, either absolute and without limitation to any particular class of heirs (fee simple) or limited to a particular class of heirs (fee tail).
b. an inheritable estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services.
c. a territory held in fee.
5. a gratuity; tip.
Mojojo's Avatar
I dont see a problem if a hobbiest writes in her normal rate. Whatever fee he pays is at his discretion to release. Be thankful he at least is letting you know what to expect vs not knowing anything at all.
Killersalt's Avatar
Seems like the good folks who post reviews are not aware of the definition of "Fee". It would be nice to know the total paid and not just the starting price.

Any way to make it clear would be nice.

Dictionary.com defines 'Fee' as:

1. a charge or payment for professional services: a doctor's fee.
2. a sum paid or charged for a privilege: an admission fee.
3. a charge allowed by law for the service of a public officer.
4. Law .
a. an estate of inheritance in land, either absolute and without limitation to any particular class of heirs (fee simple) or limited to a particular class of heirs (fee tail).
b. an inheritable estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services.
c. a territory held in fee.
5. a gratuity; tip. Originally Posted by Totempole
A great solution would be for YOU to post some reviews and properly show the "fees" how you deem appropriate, lead by example. If you're not going to review, there's not much ground to criticize people that do..... I'm just say'n.....