Visiting..areas to stay AWAY from?

Perfect Companion_Ashley's Avatar
Hello Chicago!

Im new to eccie,but not new to the business...
Im visiting the area this weekend. Im wondering the areas to stay away from,before i decide where my incall will be. Thanks for any help any could offer!
  • GBN94
  • 01-14-2011, 12:29 AM
naperville has had a lot of LE activity the past 6 months

the South and West sides of the city are less secure for safety reasons.

And as long as you screen and don't make a spectacle of yourself to hotel staff the downtown and ohare areas are hassle free
benny9770's Avatar
would have to second o'hare area as there are lots of hotels and travellers coming and going. Always the Chicago split between down town and the burbs but O'hare seems to be middle ground.

You could always stay at my place.....:-)