Verizon iPhone....

So it has been finally agreed upon that Verizon will get or has already the iPhone. I got an email from Verizon letting me know I can be put on a list to get the 4g iPhone that is released a day after my birthday (February 9th...that's right gents you have less than a month to buy me something lol)

Hmm I have to say, I am one that has always wanted the iPhone after having a Blackberry and seeing that BB's really don't have a lot of apps! But I think I'll do a little more research with VZW contract before I make the purchase and lock my self into their service for another 2 years!

Like some of you, I am sure you have had to have phones brought into VZW for service, maintenance or w/e you wanna call it, I know that one of the reasons why VZW didn't get the contact with Apple was that VZW wanted to control when users had problems with it and give out their "wonderful" "like-new" phones. Yuck!

What do you think? Any of you tech savy people who are VZW loyal gonna get the iPhone? As for me, I am up in the air, I may just switch to AT&T at the end of my contact and get the iPhone through them.
Masarati's Avatar
The droid x is nice. It has lots of apps and has a 16 gig s D card preinstalled. The first generation Verizon iPhone will only work in a 3g network.notIn the new four g network which they are testing in Rochester.
  • LynnT
  • 01-14-2011, 10:20 AM
I'd personally just go with AT&T if you want an iPhone. (love mine btw)

I had problems with their customer service at VW and when I had their internet. It was awful!

The Droid is pretty cool phone too though. My buddy has one.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I just want a cell phone, so, "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW". Guess I'm a old fart.
LOl offshore I hear ya there!!

As for the 3g/4g network, verizon is getting a 4g so that they can have the iPhone, other wise your right the iPhone wouldn't work/ verizon network wouldn't handle it.

My question wasn't about networking though, its more the warrenty end of the deal and if customers have problems are we going to have to go to Verizon. Haven't gotten a good answer from any of them. Bc if that is the case, I will be on AT&T network as they have you go directly to the Apple store.
jokacz's Avatar
Droid is the future. Google will own the world soon.

AT&T sucks in Buffalo. Is it bad in Rochester?
youngprof1978's Avatar
Too be clear... the Iphone 4 will be released on VZW's 3G network. At this point the Iphone 4 will not be able to run on the VZW 4G network for quite some time.

I now have VZW service, but AT&T isn't bad in sucks in NYC, Outer Banks, and San Fran from my experience!
  • LynnT
  • 01-14-2011, 11:16 AM
I loved that I switched over to AT&T. Works good in Syracuse, too bad not as well in Buffalo. Ive had top notch service as well.

I know quite a few people from my other line of work in Rochester they all have iPhones.

You can get the iphone cheap through At&T with new service and contract. I got it for $200 instead of $500.

Problems with the phone go strait to Apple. They have been good to me there too.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
And to think, it was not that long ago with my 5 watt cobra lugable cell. My big worry was calling Greece NY form Greece NY. But the phone would start roaming, and the call was made via Brighton OT Canada.
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
I'm fortunate to not have my renewal until the fall but Brooke I would consider one of the droids for now. I have the first generation Motorola Droid and love mine. There are several options that have made improvements.

That being said there are rumors that an iPhone 5 will be coming out this summer and be compatible with the 4g network so I'm sitting tight.

Another thing to consider is that Verizon recently announced their decision to drop their 'new every two' program which wont impact your next purchase but will after you go into your next contact.

I would consider Droid since IMO its a huge upgrade over blackberry. I use it all the time for accessing these sites. One small problem is the auto correct : )
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
It will also be$200 or $300 at Verizon with a new contract
youngprof1978's Avatar
Advantage AT&T with the Iphone is that you can surf the web while on a call. That functionality will not be available on VZW.

It sucks about the customer service, but VZW wireless has a decent footprint in the Rochester area with a few centers, so I try to support the local economy. Do business with people who do business with you!
  • LynnT
  • 01-14-2011, 11:20 AM
Really my phone works great in the city, well I have been there twice for work with my day job since I had my iphone.. No problems both times.
youngprof1978's Avatar
I would assume they have improved their network. I'm in NY about once a week for work and in the past I would lose drop calls in the office all the time!
I have the 3gs iphone with At&t and never had a problem. When I use to have service with verizon their phones are crap! i went through three phone in a 10 month period. I like Att service seems to be pretty good. Iphone is the best cell phone i ever had. Go get one!