My sincerest apologies

Hey guys!

I wanted to publicly give my apologies to anyone of you gentlemen who have been upset with recent activity on my part. I sincerely apologize as nothing was meant to be purposely hurtful or malicious. I take pride in my work and like to consider myself a professional. Anyone of you who know me, know that I take my work seriously and want nothing more than to please you all and give you a fun and pleasurable experience. Lately I have had issues in my personal life that got in the way, and I apologize for those of you who were affected. Those issues have now been resolved and will no longer play any part in my professional performances.

Given the opportunity, would love to make it up to you all and show you how much I really do care. I want us to be able to move forward and have nothing but positive experiences from here on out. I assure you you will get nothing but the best of me.

Again, I apologize to all of you. And I hope to be seeing/meeting you in the future!

All my best,

Joylen I think I speak for everyone involved when I say you posting nudes of yourself would be a good start at healing the pain you have caused :-)

In all seriousness sometimes life's tribulations are unavoidable. You coming here and publicly apologizing just goes to show what an outstanding provider you are. I am sure you will make it up to the parties involved giving the opportunity.

Now back to those nudes you are going to post I can offer my services as photographer as well a male talent should you require such
SknyDiva's Avatar
Life happens Hun . Not one of the great gentlemen on here will hold it against you be safe and secure. Be POSITIVE. You made it through.
cameltoe101's Avatar
Very nice Joylen.
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Yes, a class act.
myren1900's Avatar
Apology accepted.
I am confident that from now and on, you will be a the class act that your reviews rave about.
Very happy your problems are resolved. Those you knew you were certain there were outside issues and glad to hear they are now in the rearview mirror. You are among the tops. Welcome back.
I have no idea what happened, but this post sure points that you are a class act.