With the recent surge in obese mongers, TOYZINDUSTREEZ in our ever vigilant attempts to service the Hoogar/Monger community, launches our MMCS "Mobile Manflap Cleaning (and Bandle Infestation Erradication) Service"!
MONGERS...How many times have you noticed the damp stank of rotting taco meat trapped beneath your MANFLAP, but no way to clean it?
HOOGARS...How often have you gone down on a uber fat trick & had a slimy bandle hand slip out from beneath a ripe MANFLAP & grab your tit?
Our certified MANFLAPS team will come to your Mommas basement, saving you the embarrassment of being seen or smelled in public.
Many Mongers have continued to eat & watch porn while having the crud flushed from their MANFLAP.
Manflaps teams are sent in group of 3...two to hoist the offending manflap into the air, the other to hose down the manflap & surrounding fatty tissue. PLEASE NOTE: MANFLAP base cleaning charges DO NOT include Bandle eradication. If you have a KNOWN MANFLAP bandle infestation, we expect to be warned in advance. An upcharge of $37.50 will be charged for every unknown bandle that is discovered-and subsequently eradicated-beneath your MANFLAP.
Something that many clinically obese mongers have learned by trial & error, you should NEVER attempt the clean under your MANFLAP yourself! The toxic substances there could cause skin defects, madness, and uncontrollable trolling of prostitute chat boards!
This is one of our original MANFLAP Cleaning Experts who went in unprotected to try and scrub out a MANFLAP...the damage is permanent & the infection has spread to other parts of his body, his dog, and infected a distant cousin who he had intimate relations with.
How it works:
Our team will show up with a TOYZINDUSTREEZ patented power washer, a wire brush, a "Bandlestick" & enough caustic cleaner to cover even the largest of Mongers.
Our team will lift your MANFLAP and after checking for any hidden Bandles, will begin to vigorously scrub the Mold, Decay, Fungus from the MANFLAP cavity.
And while our preference is to just kill the Bandles, there have been occasions where the Bandle (who are just cowards by nature) will give up & we will relocate them to another country. Unfortunately, most bandles who have lived in that slimy MANFLAP existence for very long are covered in fungus or mold & can never have a normal life...
This offer will not last! Our phonez are ringing off the wall since we launched this service! For 24 easy payments of $37.50, YOU can have that disgusting MANFLAP crevice cleaned out and sanitized. Sign up for our Monthly MANFLAP cleaning service, & we'll throw in a bottle of our award winning RUNDBERG CALLING perfume to give to your favorite Hoogar along with that other cheap shit you call gifts.
RUNDBERG CALLING...for those times when you just wanna fuck for a buck...