CPR Class?

newyorkboy's Avatar
Going to put this out there. Providers, have you ever had one of your geezer clients such as yourself almost depart this mortal vale due to your exceptional professional skills? What would you do if your client was suddenly DRT (Dead Right There)? I'm wondering if any providers would be interested in a (here come that four-letter "F" word) FREE CPR class? PM me if you are interested and we can do this. YOU can become "Skilled enough to stop your heart, trained to restart it". Kudos to Kay2Day for the idea AND the slogan!

And if needed CPR would be all inclusive as well lol
newyorkboy's Avatar
You would also be schooled in the use of CPR barrier/protection devices......
jmhawk1's Avatar
I do tell women to just drag me into the hall and leave me if I were to drop dead. Seriously! While I still have yet to hit 40 years of existence, it could happen.

Of course if I do have the conversation, it's typically after I am lightheaded and seeing stars...
Actually, if you have a heart attack in your 40's, odds are pretty high you won't make it. Once you get into your 50's, odds of surviving a heart attack are much better.
cacophonist_international's Avatar
Sex workers in several European countries are required to be certified in CPR. and the use of an AEAD. One of the many benefits of not being under the thumb of puritanical laws.
I do tell women to just drag me into the hall and leave me if I were to drop dead. Seriously! While I still have yet to hit 40 years of existence, it could happen.

Of course if I do have the conversation, it's typically after I am lightheaded and seeing stars... Originally Posted by jmhawk1
Lol that was always my plan a just incase...
well not leave someone there but atleast call 911 .

Its actually good idea to atleast know what youre doing just in case...
you never know if you may need it or not but its good to be prepared.
jmhawk1's Avatar
Lol that was always my plan a just incase...
well not leave someone there but atleast call 911 .

Its actually good idea to atleast know what youre doing just in case...
you never know if you may need it or not but its good to be prepared. Originally Posted by Kay2Day
I did have the convo with you, maybe I planted the seed;-)
I would hope that in the event of any medical emergency either party would call 911 and get help there. There was a thread on the old Redbook about this happening in California, the lady called 911 and they were able to save him. Yeah there could be issues with someone's RL situation but we take that risk once we step into this world.
Actually, if you have a heart attack in your 40's, odds are pretty high you won't make it. Once you get into your 50's, odds of surviving a heart attack are much better. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Why is this? I'm not quite to either threshold, but as I read this I did become intrigued as to why that would be the case.
daredevil321's Avatar
According to one Kay's post she might be the one requiring CPR when seeing you NYBoy.
But in MHO what a way to go !!!! HeHe
According to one Kay's post she might be the one requiring CPR when seeing you NYBoy.
But in MHO what a way to go !!!! HeHe Originally Posted by daredevil321
Lol hes good but idk about THAT good lol
newyorkboy's Avatar
Why is this? I'm not quite to either threshold, but as I read this I did become intrigued as to why that would be the case. Originally Posted by Citylights
Around age 30, the heart has not developed a lot of collateral circulation, which takes over and somewhat protects the surrounding heart muscle which if partially compromised and could also die. Collateral muscle circulation increases with age, so a 40 year old has better potential to survive.
Why is this? I'm not quite to either threshold, but as I read this I did become intrigued as to why that would be the case. Originally Posted by Citylights
It's known as Sudden Cardiac Death. It's not a heart attack per se. It's often an electrical issue where the heart beat is irregular and the heart will flutter, and blood flow doesn't reach the brain. Whereas most older men (50s and up) will actually have a heart attack where a clot will completely obstruct the coronary artery and block blood flow to the heart. The first is nearly always fatal. The second is easier to deal with.
DallasRain's Avatar
{I actually have had a class on cpr and basic lifesaving techniques}

wow cool idea...cause ya never know!