Has anyone tried bulletproof coffee?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
For the past several days, I've been reading health and weight loss blogs and trying to figure out a way to get my energy level up and working better.

I ran across this one blog, bulletproofexec.com, that discusses the features of this type of coffee that is made with unsalted butter, coconut oil and a high grade of coffee (if you just glance at the blog, you'll see what I mean by that). And it makes some pretty wild assurances about the positive effects of this drink.

Well, this type of coffee has been around for a long time but I've just heard of it.

Sounds promising. And interesting.

But butter in coffee? Gads.

Has anyone tried this? I've read reviews, looked on Amazon, and there is a bit of a cost factor to get the ingredients to try this.

Found one place that supposedly sells cups of this coffee in Dallas. But figured that a bunch of people on this site could have tried it, first, and have an opinion (or three!) to share.

Thanks for your time!

aRandyOne's Avatar
I had ghee in tea in Thailand and gagged. Probably the same reaction to this brew.
Hélène Stone's Avatar

I have tried it, and I rather enjoy it. Be sure to use Kerrygold or another similar Irish butter for a better flavour, and do mix it with an immersion/emulsifying blender (a hand blender works best, in my opinion). I used to drink a cup every morning before work, back in my days of long, exhausting work hours. It would keep me satiated until about 2:00pm and I could get by on a very light lunch.

I really need to start drinking it again. I've been far too Starbucks dependent lately, and all that extra sugar is going straight to my butt.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks, Helene.

I had read that using butter made from grass fed cows was the best, hence Kerrygold is good because we can find it in most grocery stores.

Did you use regular coconut oil, or that special stuff that is sold for this coffee, a "high octane" type of supplement?

When I was reading reviews on this coffee, on Amazon, most were saying that they expected it to taste bad but were surprised at how well it tasted.

So I was curious.

Thanks for the input!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I had ghee in tea in Thailand and gagged. Probably the same reaction to this brew. Originally Posted by aRandyOne
Thinking about it made me think of gagging, too! Is that a popular drink in Thailand??? (It's my dream to go there in March. Doubtful it'll happen, though.)

Hélène Stone's Avatar
In my opinion, the MTC oil is a bit of a ripoff. I have tried it like that before, but noticed no improvement in flavor or satiation.

I actually prefer the texture of the buttered coffee, to be honest. It makes the coffee seem more like a dessert (I'd add sugar-free caramel syrup and the tiniest dash of salt to the concoction). It's so creamy and rich, though I'd imagine it may take someone a bit of getting used to if you're not prepared for it.

I wouldn't suggest getting store-bought bulletproof coffee as your first foray. You have no control over the proportions of the mixture. Some prefer more or less butter than others.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
When I was searching around for more information about bulletproof coffee on the internet last night, I found one place that might sell it, per cup.


I haven't called Green Grocers to double check but that might be an idea, though, to just try a cup.

I'm not willing to purchase the "kit" of bulletproof coffee, with everything included, because the price is just so very expensive but also, I'm not sure that I'll like it (might be similar to aRandy with my response to it!) and again, it seems stupidly expensive.

I figure, like you've suggested Helene, that it would be best to just make it myself.

Need to get a blender of some sort, now, I guess.

Thanks for the input. I appreciate it very much.

Boltfan's Avatar
Advocare spark. Good stuff
Hélène Stone's Avatar
Oh, the special coffee is also a bit of a ripoff. Just use your typical coffee blend. What gives you the satisfying sensation is the fat in the butter. The brand of the coffee brewed is irrelevant.
Love it. You can get the butter at Costco. Helen is correct is what she says above. Some people use coconut oil instead of the mtc oil, but i do not like the taste with coconut oil.
CaptainWinky's Avatar
I make it with MCT oil, which is reccomended over coconut oil. I order it off of Amazon. I've never made it with the brand name stuff that the inventor sells, too expensive. Plus, I've read in plenty of places that regular old coffee works just fine. Do use Kerrygold butter though, that is important. I've heard that people benefit from it even with coconut oil though, so use that if it's all you have, although I do hear that it leaves a more greasy texture. Definitely has an appetite suppressant factor to it, and gives me a good buzz, however idk if it helps me more because I stay very low carb/sugar.

Oh and honestly I didn't really like the taste of it at all at first, it's kind of weird. But it's grown on me, maybe cuz I crave the feeling it gives me. I started adding torani sugar free vanilla syrup to it and some stevia and that helps.
I make it with MCT oil, which is reccomended over coconut oil. I order it off of Amazon. I've never made it with the brand name stuff that the inventor sells, too expensive. Plus, I've read in plenty of places that regular old coffee works just fine. Do use Kerrygold butter though, that is important. I've heard that people benefit from it even with coconut oil though, so use that if it's all you have, although I do hear that it leaves a more greasy texture. Definitely has an appetite suppressant factor to it, and gives me a good buzz, however idk if it helps me more because I stay very low carb/sugar. Originally Posted by CaptainWinky
Agree with Captain Winky.

Ihave used both MCT and KerryGold. It is an acquired taste. i don't blend mine. Too much trouble.

Go easy with the MCT as too much, too soon, can upset your stomach.

I wouldn't pay BulletProof Exec's premium price.
Hobby Jon's Avatar
Ironic I just watched this and was wondering about the coffee and Modafinil.


May have to get me some of both
Generic White Guy's Avatar
Too late for Green Grocer... They closed on Monday, January 18th...

When I was searching around for more information about bulletproof coffee on the internet last night, I found one place that might sell it, per cup.


I haven't called Green Grocers to double check but that might be an idea, though, to just try a cup.

I'm not willing to purchase the "kit" of bulletproof coffee, with everything included, because the price is just so very expensive but also, I'm not sure that I'll like it (might be similar to aRandy with my response to it!) and again, it seems stupidly expensive.

I figure, like you've suggested Helene, that it would be best to just make it myself.

Need to get a blender of some sort, now, I guess.

Thanks for the input. I appreciate it very much.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Generic White Guy's Avatar
Coconut Oil has amazing health benefits...
