So I find out that one of my daughters former friends has been escorting. Obviously I could never see her but she is cute with an amazing set of natural tits. I would love to fuck her, AND she does greek but I cant....
honestly if its the daughters former friend. I don't see where the problem lies. escorts are discrete when it comes to these things. and cmore do you think this young woman wants to spill it to her former friend and her mother that she is escorting. im thinking it is more of a moral dilemma than anything and op is thinking too far into the what ifs if he followed through.
so lit1 how did you find out your daughters friend is escorting inquiring minds want to know?
Minnie's First Time; a *Staff Edit - JCM gets a job as an escort. Her first client is her step dad Alex Baldwin.
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
this should be in the sandbox. just pure fluff no one gives a shit about when no details are forthcoming.
Did coming out clean about this dilemma bring some relief? Good.. this topic was better off in the sandbox because it's useless shit.
If the girl is advertising, just throw up her ad. She's working.. how will that jeopardize the OP's current ties? Defend the guy all you want. but the Coed discussions really don't need threADs that lead nowhere. I'm not sure I have emphasized this enough. This really belongs in the sandpit.