Fuck. This sucks. Things are ridiculously slow with no end in sight, money is tight, wife is worthless as a homemaker and lover, wasted the little bit of hobby money I saved, my ATF comes to town literally the next day after I blow my money, a lot of other crap too numerous to mention, and now this shit.
I go to a fast food place and my card is declined. I'm like WTF? Seems some cocksucker in California went on a supermarket and restaurant spree with my "card". I didn't have a ton of money in there, but my bills and mortgage are coming up. Fabulous. I should be able to eventually recover the cash from what I've been told. But, it might take a while and I need to get a new card.
But what I want to know is: HOW IN THE FUCK DO THESE SCUMBAGS EVEN GET MY INFORMATION?!? I don't use my card online except for Amazon and Paypal and that's it. It's not my wife's card number, it's my card. Pisses me off. I wish I knew exactly how it was done so I can make sure the shit doesn't happen again. That's what's frustrating. It could happen again because I don't know who or how it happened.
But, why not? What the hell. Pile it on.