help me out!!

I'm scheduled to be in Fayetteville this weekend, but the weather is supposed to get really bad. Should I make the trip or wait? Is it really going to be that bad?
Omerta's Avatar
When were you supposed to leave?

As of now, the weather forecast says like the snow band will be from Memphis through to here; NWA shouldn't get much of anything. And what little falls will definitely melt off through the weekend.

If you hit the road in the next few hours, drive carefully, you should be okay. If you wait until tomorrow you might be stuck in central Arkansas.
Im gonna go ahead and chance it then leaving that way by 5 maybe ill miss it.
Omerta's Avatar
It will be good to drive as much in the daylight as possible! Have a safe trip!
Please drive safely Salena,freezing rain is worse than snow.reduce speed for weather conditions, remember bridges and elevated surface freeze before road.I have driven thousands of miles in hazardous weather,I have seen bad things happen on ice.again please be cautious.
We'll I decided to wait till next weekend till it clears up I'm scared to drive!!
Didn't mean to scare you,but one time back in the 90,s got caught in ice storm took me 7 hrs to get to little Rock from ft.Smith.better safe than sorry.
Ray_ban1964's Avatar
We'll I decided to wait till next weekend till it clears up I'm scared to drive!! Originally Posted by Selena25
Wise decision beautiful, no need to take unnecessary chances. I am sure the gentlemen in NWA will understand safety first. Just like in the hobby go with your gut feeling and be safe.
  • Sandy
  • 01-21-2016, 03:51 PM
Good choice~
I was going to go to Memphis this morning, but I woke up to like five emails from my clients telling me of the up coming weather.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
IF it snows like the weather claims it won't be as bad as everyone thinks (just like I was told it was suppose to snow in Bentonville and none of it stuck...). If I were you I would go but drive safely
Lonesome's Avatar
We'll I decided to wait till next weekend till it clears up I'm scared to drive!! Originally Posted by Selena25
Besides your other qualities, you are a very wise lady.
well that cash is goin back into the stock market
Hogfan69's Avatar
Good call. That stretch of highway from Alma on is really dark and it's too late by the time you realize you're on black ice.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
DC is looking like 18 inches of snow by the end of this weekend -_-
I'm set to be a hermit starting tomorrow night.