She could be Carla Gugino's sister... now that girl is HOTT! BUT... they are not cartoons silly boys. Maybe Betty Rubble?
Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
HOWDY Precious_B... thanks for joining us all the way from Texas. I do love me some Texans. KISS. So do u really mean "any"? I bet u mean "all of them"... jump in a big nekkid pile... giggles. Now I know what "roll tide" means. Well I am a Brutus girl... Go Bux! Lol, had a gent tell me Brutus' head looks like a giant asshole w a face... too funny. He is a Tigers fan thru and thru. I like them too but have to say Gators is my second atf. I always thought their mascot should chase other mascots w those big teeth. That would be a fun half time show.
DALLAS IS A NAUGHTY HOTTY... u chase Road Runner... I'll sneak up on Wiley Coyote... we will all go "beep beep".
Now Cree Baby, I just read u said u like 69... Betty Boop got some big o titties... so my visual is a like a teeter totter... that would a good porno 8p