Question for my fellow providers?

TSAutumnMarie's Avatar
I know that previously some of the providers in Nebraska
had an issue with clients coming to see me because I am trans....


I want to know who doesn't have the issue with their
regulars seeing me or vice versa???
newyorkboy's Avatar
I guess my reply is who's goddamn business is it anyway? Don't get me wrong, I'm totally straight and for that reason would not use your services, but there are many who would. And the last time I looked, this was not a church group. So you go right on offering your services to whoever you choose to. And if I take heat for
this, so mote it be!
TSAutumnMarie's Avatar
Well its a combination of both. Some providers have "denied" my regular from setting up a session with them and they have apparently "threatened the return" of their regulars if they were to see me because of me being trans. The 100% accuracy of that i have no idea but if aome providers have issues thats fine. I just want to know who doesnt
newyorkboy's Avatar
As long as safe practices are followed, I don't see the problem. There are always risks in this hobby, but I fail to see what difference it makes what is stuck into whom as long as protection is used. A cock is a cock, a vaginia a vagina, an ass an ass and a condom a condom. Welcome to the 21st Century. Or the 16th?
I will agree with New York.

I am straight, but who the F cares? Why do people want to create drama when the hobby is supposed to be about escaping drama for fun and fantasy?
easymoe's Avatar
Drama follows some people where ever they go because they just can't help themselves. I'm with you guys. I'm not really into trannies but if someone is I don't give the teeniest tiniest little shit about it. Have fun.
I agree that safety is first and then let freedom reign!
I'm just gussing here, but the problem from the OP's point of view is one of safety via screening.

Let's say I've been frequenting the lovely "Ivanna Humpalot."

I am curious about TSAutumnMarie, so I contact her to set up an appointment, and I give Ivanna as a reference.

Now, AutumnMarie has the same safety requirements as any other provider, so to do due dilligence, she calls Ivanna to find out about me. She has every right to know if I lie, cheat, steal, hit.....or if my other name is Ted Bundy.

Now, if Ivanna has a problem with seeing guys who see Transgendered providers, whether due to irrational fear of HIV or just plain homophobia, once Autumn Marie contacts her, I am likely to get a VERY unpleasant email/text/phone call from Ivanna.

So, while I agree it is nobody's business who I see, in a sense it is because "girls gotta screen."

I can see where this puts transgendered providers at a real disadvantage in this arena.

Now, I believe TSAutumnMarie is doing the best she can. Her profile pops up under Nebraska Providers when I log onto P411. I would assume she would feel more comfortable seeing a guy from P411 with many oks and no personal contact with them. I know a lot of girls, when they see my 30+ oks, stop screening right there. But, how she screens is her business.

If you truly wish to see a TG provider without a chance for any drama, you should probably get a P411 account and stick to the TG providers there initially. An explanatory conversation with the provider as to the prejudicial nature of some of your previous OKs would probably help the TS provider and keep her from calling them.
I wasn't around when you were before and sorry to hear of your poor experience.

What you provide is no different than a woman who offers greek so I don't think much can be said on the matter. I'm reference friendly if you ever need one.
Some people.. smh..

Well LadyY n SaraXXX are 2 of the best local ladies to accept references from IMHO so i think you will be A-Okay. Also, you already know if you ever need a reference Id be more than happy to help.
Just ignore the people that dont accept you for who you are... a beautiful woman. Its their shortcomings NOT yours.

And seriously... can anyone who lives in glass houses really throw stones. Hooktards with a higher moral standard than the next .. i think ive seen it all lol

Best of luck doll.
TSAutumnMarie's Avatar
Thank you kay2day and saraxxx!!!
newyorkboy's Avatar
I'm watching this thread closely, and I have to admit that I am somewhat proud of the posts I have seen thus far, both from hobbyists and providers. Makes me have some hope for this state after all! Thanks especially for SaraXXX and Kay2Day for stepping up to the plate and proving yet again that they are women of worth and class. Bravo! TSAutumnMarie, these two ladies will not steer you wrong.

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Honey, "Fuck them" idiots!!!

I have done a couple of doubles with this lady and she is awesome. So whoever the providers are that are saying that shit, well hun you better stop seeing all your clients cause I have probably been with them and I was with a tran....

Love ya girl
newyorkboy's Avatar
Another woman of worth and class speaks!
TSAutumnMarie's Avatar
I love you Y your so amazing and i have had a blast working with you ! Thank you for having my back!