The Booty Queen returns to EP

xJTxSOA's Avatar
Jada Stevens is gonna be dancing once again at the red parrot. Idk how reliable TER is but I read on there that she provides. I shall make it my mission to see her.
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 02-13-2016, 10:07 AM
I just saw that flyer as well, and it works out perfect because I'm arriving to ELP on the 18th.

She used to have a P411 profile and she worked for an agency called Perfection Models, but apparently that P411 profile is down now also. Not sure if she still provides, but I think I might need to dip into my savings if she does...
xJTxSOA's Avatar
I read a while back on o e of the main forums that the best way to see a porn star is to contact one that's on eccie. To avoid dealing with agencies, the only problem is I don't know any porn stars on eccie lol
Just search them. In the search tab where you can put in keywords type "porn star" then limit it to west Texas.
robinhood12's Avatar
I would also be interested if she is coming into town an providing. Had to look her up. She is nice. For your enjoyment:
I could see her up for a tag team.
xJTxSOA's Avatar
I tried the search bar and key words. I didn't find any :/ lol
Wow my favorite pornstar !
Who wants to drive to elpaso I will
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 03-18-2016, 11:53 PM
Alright, how many of you horny fuckers are here watching the show? Pretty awesome lol.
  • ham36
  • 03-19-2016, 01:21 AM
Dammit i wanna go tomorrow for sure. The snaps they posted had me like dammmmm