As most seasoned members know, back about 95 the www became really popular w windows 95... not so much w 3.1. There was a beautiful and very intelligent provider who gave us the name "providers and hobbyists" and she started a yahoo group. She invited everybody she trusted to keep em safe... girls and guys. It grew into the first discussion board... ASPD. The other two popular sites came from her guys by the way and all this took off. She developed the 2 reference system for newbies and went public, I believe in 1999. Things went great for a while and that woman was well respected and well connected. Then a small board up north got too loopy and crazy w pics and got busted. Then they came for us. I had won provider of the year in Ohio and another lady that was very popular too. Clients started contacting us and we became basically mouth pieces. Can't say for sure but I just remember not long after, she came in one of my alert threads w just a wink so I feel like I know she sent those guys... can't say for sure. Things got crazy for a while but I started getting to know about this amazing woman. Very impressive and caring. She cared about helping girls and protecting men. She was very picky about how things were ran and had quite the impressive staff. Two schools of thought. Either the stress gave her the heart attack rumored or the vultures that took over got her that was the demise of it all... just before they tried to sweep us... and most everybody came here. Think they don't have a vendetta against us and been making plans all methodically and slow while the past is forgotten and everyone gets too comfortable and open again?
Truly let's honor Amber and not trash providers, out hobbyist and/or be vulnerable. There would be no online hobby if it wasn't for a beautiful and intelligent PROVIDER... who ultimately died for us no matter which way. Let's respect one another, respect ourselves, stay safe, have fun, look out for each other and respect this woman's grave.
Thank you Amber! And thanks to all who get this even if not until now.