Silly girl

Silly girl goes to the doctor. Doc takes a good look at this sexy... long legged... hip wagging...bubble butted... large busted beauty and says "well hi there mam, follow me". He could tell she wasn't real bright chewing her gum and wrapping it around her finger over and over then sucking it off back into her pouty red ruby lips. He takes her in a room and puts his hand in her shirt squeezing her breast and nipples. He says "miss, do u know what I am doing"? She says in a sweet sexy lil voice "yes sir, u are checkin my heart beat". He says "yes mam". He slides his hands down her pants and puts his fingers in both openings, feels around a few moments and says "miss, do u know what I am doing now"? She says "yes sir, u r checkin my temperature". He says "yes mam". He undresses her, lays her back on the table, slides himself up there and commences to slipping his hard throbbing cock up in her soft wet tight pussy. He moves slower and gentle at first then speeds up his bang, faster then faster; then he shoots cum all over her from the belly button all the way down.He says "miss, do u know I just did"? She said "yes sir, u just got all them crabs off of me I came in here for"... HA!

HEY... I had no idea there was provider named Silly Girl and I don't know if she seen this but I just seen her name and if u know her... tell her I am sorry and bummed but I honestly, I am giggling too. I know a whole bunch of Silly Girl jokes. Heck maybe she does too. Whew eeee... wow.