Favorite things to do during a blizzard?

Let me paint this visual and then turn it over to you;

Just back from Points West (La-Hawaii-Las Vegas) I find myself ensconced in my New England harborfront condo during a white-out, not once, but twice this week. As Dean Martin says in his Christmas music cd; baby, it's cold outside!!

Inside, I have cranked the heat to 75 (included in the condo fees!) my car is in the heated garage and a friend has already taken me to the bank and Whole Foods in his pick up truck. For entertainment I have a slew of books, HBO/Showtime/Movies on Demand, yoga cds and of course, my computer.
Everything except a fireplace and someone to cuddle with.

How would you spend a day or two if you were stuck inside, unplanned and excused from all responsibility??

Time out of Time
How would you spend a day or two if you were stuck inside, unplanned and excused from all responsibility?? Originally Posted by ClairJordan
I'd get caught up with a lot of reading and possibly catch a movie or two.

Regarding movies, on those rare occasions that I've been homebound, I've tended to prefer comedy. Once I watched Blazing Saddles, which I hadn't seen since it came out in the early '70s. Hilarious movie. I had a simple desire at the time for some light-hearted escapism, I guess.
As much as some complain about getting snowed in for a day or two, I think it can be quite nice...You get to have some YOU time...I like to make some coffee, add a bit of Baileys to it, grab a good book and read for hours...Or put on some Spa/Trance type music and write...

(The above is since you said " excused from all responsibility")....Now if I wasn't excused from that, then I would be hearing "Mama go outside make snowman!" from my 3 year old...all...day...long...lol
Clair, first choice would be get naked with a cuddlebunny and play Shuttle Pilot (see just how many orbits around the earth I can send her on). If that isn't an option, then I choose good tunage (usually Jazz in these situations), good books and a few DVDs or Netflix streaming. And lots of naptime - bad weather outside is Sleepin' Weather inside. Guess I just have a thing for being in bed........

Wish I was there to help you out

London Rayne's Avatar
I am always in my house at home because it's gorgeous and huge. I have 3 fireplaces and rarely get to light them because New Orleans is always so hot....and yea we still have our Christmas lights up lmao!

I would probably do the same thing I do most any other day. Play on Eccie while glancing at a study book on my lap, and sip on a glass of wine. Maybe some moving of furniture, or cleaning out cabinets and closets. Maybe a soak in the hot tub after all that.

If my baby was home we would likely be on the porch that is glassed in, letting her play tea party or drive thru. If all else failed, I would be working out or in the tanning bed.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Went through this last week. A couple of thoughts:

- 1-2 days is kind of refreshing...3 or more is pure hell

- you feel better about the situation when you realize you can't play "superman" (Superwoman) & just accept the circumstances and you are stuck for a few days

-appreciate how fortunate you are: at least you are at home with heat and electricity & not stranded in some strange town or airport or highway motel

- always keep a safety stock of essential food & (particularly) beverages (last week since the snow/ice wasn't treated it is not practical to walk to the store even if it was a couple of blocks away).

- having a working internet is a great outlet to the rest of the world
Went through this last week. A couple of thoughts:

- 1-2 days is kind of refreshing...3 or more is pure hell
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Very True...After 3 days I get excited just to go to CVS or something!
Better than being stuck in an airport. It's the pits.
DallasRain's Avatar
watch movies/eat popcorn and play on eccie...lol

stay warm babe!!
-appreciate how fortunate you are: at least you are at home with heat and electricity & not stranded in some strange town or airport or highway motel Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Or be thankful to have a home that one can heat and live in. Too many people are homeless or in financial straits right now. For all of us: There but for the grace of god go I (us). I thought Alt was going to allude to that. We are all fortunate to be relatively comfortable in our lives. It should not be taken for granted. And I don't think anyone here does.
Better than being stuck in an airport. It's the pits. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Unless it's the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam....I could spend a weekend there between the spa, casino and shops!
Unless it's the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam....I could spend a weekend there between the spa, casino and shops! Originally Posted by Valerie
Bet they were booked. That's what happened in Houston, and they didn't even have snow. It was the Northeast that caused the domino effect.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Or be thankful to have a home that one can heat and live in. Too many people are homeless or in financial straits right now. For all of us: There but for the grace of god go I (us). I thought Alt was going to allude to that. We are all fortunate to be relatively comfortable in our lives. It should not be taken for granted. And I don't think anyone here does. Originally Posted by SR Only
I thought it was somewhat implied, but yes. Reminds me of a story a heard a number of years ago when I was living in a large midwestern city. We'd get large snows regularly and all the suburban school districts would close but seemingly never the inner-city district.

I asked a colleague why this was, and I know this isn't official policy but it makes some sense, and he said, "so many of those kids count on school for 2 (free) square meals a day they try not to close."
London Rayne's Avatar
I thought it was somewhat implied, but yes. Reminds me of a story a heard a number of years ago when I was living in a large midwestern city. We'd get large snows regularly and all the suburban school districts would close but seemingly never the inner-city district.

I asked a colleague why this was, and I know this isn't official policy but it makes some sense, and he said, "so many of those kids count on school for 2 (free) square meals a day they try not to close." Originally Posted by atlcomedy
That is really sad. There is no reason with all the wealth in this country that any child should ever go hungry!
discreetgent's Avatar
That is really sad. There is no reason with all the wealth in this country that any child should ever go hungry! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Or health insurance, but don't ask PJ about that.