Attraction by scent? Possibly more than you think!

Petergriffin1980's Avatar
I was recently listening to a podcast while I was driving. They were talking about women subliminally being attracted to a particular mans scent over another man's. They mention that women lacking in a certain vitamin or hormone in their body can smell it on a man who has it in his body. Kind of like a maternity switch that clicks on for them without even realizing it.... Which in turn makes them more attracted to a certain man over another. Thoughts?????
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
My ex used to love the way certain parts of my body smelled. Especially when working out or just getting worked up.

I also love the way certain women smell. And I don't mean perfume . Drives me nuts!
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Yeah I remember my significant others always telling me how much they loved my scent always smelling my clothes and stealing my pillow! Lol love the natural smell of women and I'm not talking about B.O. Lol
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Thats true!!! Which podcast were you listening to stuff you should know or something??? Im a podcast junkie omG! Im definitely a lover of armpits with all their naturalistic manly scents.
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Thats true!!! Which podcast were you listening to stuff you should know or something??? Im a podcast junkie omG! Im definitely a lover of armpits with all their naturalistic manly scents. Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
I was listening to the joe Rogan podcast I'm addicted to it!
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
He said they were doing a blind study where five guys wore a shirt for 3 day without showering and then had five girls smell the shirts and picked which one they liked and then showed them the man pic and 4 out of the five girls were attracted the to guy that was wearing the shirt they picked pretty interesting
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
That is pretty cool ima check it out!!
Guero69's Avatar
Thats true!!! Which podcast were you listening to stuff you should know or something??? Im a podcast junkie omG! Im definitely a lover of armpits with all their naturalistic manly scents. Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*

Pheromones is some for real shit!!! Works on a guy too. My soulmate isn't a supermodel, funny, smart, rich, sex goddess that is into bbbj, cim, cof, cum wherever, greek, daty, dato, and all of the other acronyms . . . she has the pheromones that make me DIZZY!! She most definitely is a Latina though, since Latinas have the sweetest, knee-buckling, eyes rolling back in my head kind of pheromones ever created . . . This girl I dated south of the border always asked me why I was so into her since she was such a drama filled, lying, ungrateful, cheating, half-white/half-mexican girl . . . "I like the way you smell" . . . Like the photo says, that shit "Bypasses the RATIONAL brain"
Petergriffin1980's Avatar

Pheromones is some for real shit!!! Works on a guy too. My soulmate isn't a supermodel, funny, smart, rich, sex goddess that is into bbbj, cim, cof, cum wherever, greek, daty, dato, and all of the other acronyms . . . she has the pheromones that make me DIZZY!! She most definitely is a Latina though, since Latinas have the sweetest, knee-buckling, eyes rolling back in my head kind of pheromones ever created . . . This girl I dated south of the border always asked me why I was so into her since she was such a drama filled, lying, ungrateful, cheating, half-white/half-mexican girl . . . "I like the way you smell" . . . Like the photo says, that shit "Bypasses the RATIONAL brain" Originally Posted by Guero69
Touché brother likewise for me mine is Latina too
Guero69's Avatar
Touché brother likewise for me mine is Latina too Originally Posted by Petergriffin1980
Not trying to change the subject, but . . . God created the earth and all in what . . . six days . . . kicked backed the 7th day? What is missing is that, after that day of rest, HE created Latinas!! And of that, I am totally certain.
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Not trying to change the subject, but . . . God created the earth and all in what . . . six days . . . kicked backed the 7th day? What is missing is that, after that day of rest, HE created Latinas!! And of that, I am totally certain. Originally Posted by Guero69
+100 to you sir! Great sermon..... If there were a collection plate being passed around I'd throw you a $20!
Guero69's Avatar
+100 to you sir! Great sermon..... If there were a collection plate being passed around I'd throw you a $20! Originally Posted by Petergriffin1980
I do appreciate that . . . but $20 won't even come close to the admission price here
As for scents, I personally have stopped wearing any kind of fragrance/body spray/cologne over the last few years (deodorant is the furthest I go), I have appreciated clean and natural body scents much more on ladies and take notice to them easier. Have even got a few compliments for myself.

Not trying to change the subject, but . . . God created the earth and all in what . . . six days . . . kicked backed the 7th day? What is missing is that, after that day of rest, HE created Latinas!! And of that, I am totally certain. Originally Posted by Guero69
I think you have it backwards there. After he created Latinas (as well as all women in my opinion, but especially latina women), he worked so hard at making them perfect and his best creation that he needed a day of rest after to enjoy his creation of women. And if you notice, nothing else was created thereafter.