My food struggle is real!!!

albundy's Avatar
Just opened a bag of "Flamin' Hot" Funyuns. There was NO red spicy crap that they cover the "Flamin' Hot" chips with. WTF?

Frito Lay company are Assholes.

Anywho, I went to a fast food shithole that'll remain nameless. I order some cheap-ass burgers and value this and that. I go to the window and the guy reaches out for my card with DRIPPING wet hands. (Not that it matters, but to help paint the picture, he was an AA gentleman who is the very definition of "Flaming.") Anyway, he gives me back my wet card and I notice a slight smell in my car. I don't think much of it at first. He hands me my food with his STILL wet hands. I'm grossed the fuck out, but it's a fast food place, what the hell do I expect? I get the food in to my car, bring up the window, and start to drive away.

I start noticing a smell right away. I'm like WTF?!? I smell around like I'm a fucking bloodhound or something and I whiff the bag. HOLY FUCKING DOG SHIT!!! Hack, gag. I almost ralphed all over my car right there! It smelled like, I shit you not, somebody's sweaty balls or maybe sweaty ass. It was definitely body odor. I mean, WTF?!? Did the dickhead just decide "I forgot to wipe, It's cool. I'll use my hand. The bathroom is to far away."

Obviously, I stopped at the nearest dumpster I could find and threw it the hell away. If I wouldn't have been late for something already, I would have went and complain. Probably still should have.

Oh well, fuck it. I still have a Totinos "Special Edition" Bacon and Pepperoni Pizza I can slap in the microwave for 3 minutes. Hell yeah.
Damn dude.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol I feel ya dude......ya shoulda went to Camilla Grill!!!
albundy's Avatar
Camilla Grill? Never heard of it. Sounds too high falutin' for a McShit sandwich eatin' value menu guy like me.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol...It is a damn good burger!It is in the french quarter and they have one uptown in New olreans

Hope your night gets better!
albundy's Avatar
Also, am I the only one that gets skeeved the fuck out when I see these people (relax, I mean white people too) make your food without gloves? It's when I go to get a Taco and the dude or dudette has the look of someone who just got out of someone's passenger seat for a quick $20. They then hold the taco shell, bare handed, and starts reaching into the lettuce and then the other fixins. They then wipe their forehead, maybe adjust their sack. Then wrap up your taco. "Enjoy!"

Arghhh!! Can't eat at those places if I see them putting my McDiarrhea sandwich or NachoBellshits together. Wear gloves DAMMIT!!!
DallasRain's Avatar is as dangerous as eating a lucky dawg!!
Al, that is just sick, and how fucked up have we become that your story is not totally unbelievable on it's face. "Those people (drive-thru workers, most obviously") have become so unpredictable... I don't even eat at those joints anymore. Camellia Grill is definitely in your budget....great burger, or a chili cheese omelette, and chocolate pecan pie a la (Al a) mode.
And yeah, who'd have thought the day would come when a Lucky Dog might be cleaner than even one national chain. Sorry Frito Lay fucked you. The chips are already crazy expensive...mostly a bag of air...the struggle is real.
I wanted to compliment AL and tell al he writes the most amazing stories, what if some of that is fact or fiction, it is still amazing... if nothing else he makes my day and puts a smile there where normally they would be something else. Only you Al only you lol. If nothing else you make my day it only makes me wonder what you really look like in real life and I shake my head and wonder do these things really happen like he said period? Have a wonderful weekend AL.. and like Dallas said you need to go to camellia grill. Everything they do there is phenomenal and the food is off the chain and it's not too too expensive as restaurants go in the city of New Orleans.
justanolaguy's Avatar
Is it just me or have you noticed at the fast food drive thru that the biggest smiles come from the employees with the fewest/worst teeth?
Is it just me or have you noticed at the fast food drive thru that the biggest smiles come from the employees with the fewest/worst teeth? Originally Posted by justanolaguy
Hope you have been doing AWESOME!!!
albundy's Avatar
Why in the world do any of you guys think this is fake? I would think I could come up with better than this shit if it was. Like jizz on the bun or maybe a guy jerking off into the bag or something. No...the stuff I wrote, unfortunately, is true.

I just figure if I write about it, get a little laugh maybe, at least I get SOMETHING out of the crappiness that is my daily life.
Funny stuff, Al, and it's somehow funnier coming from Al Bundy. Al's delivery always has been great. I recall the time Peg asked, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Al took a slow look and said, "No, the fat makes you look fat!" Hahahaaaaaa. Be safe ECCIE Al Bundy.
I'm curious to know why it is that Al can make references to race and say things without being thrown under the bus. A provider changes her policy and is raked over the coals. Somebody should call the Reverend. Lol
albundy's Avatar
I'm curious to know why it is that Al can make references to race and say things without being thrown under the bus. A provider changes her policy and is raked over the coals. Somebody should call the Reverend. Lol Originally Posted by StreetCheetah
What in the FUUUUCK are you talking about?!? Was it because I said "AA" gentleman? Please, educate this dumb white boy. Seriously, where and when did I say anything against black people (or whatever phrase for that ethnicity that doesn't offend your delicate sensibilities.)

What would be the correct words to use. Because I REALLY give a rat's ass if I hurt your feelings. I hope I can sleep tonight.