It may be only the second in my lustrous career in the hobby. Does it matter to me? No not really. But I do want to say that you cant honestly expect a lady to be excited to do things that are not to her liking. I.e. head over the bed giving you TUMA when I cant fucking breathe. As well as trying to force your cock down my fucking throat and trying to force me to do something that is WELL DOCUTMENTED that I DONT SWALLOW.
So I will gladly accept this no review knowing that the reviewer was rather forceful more to my liking. Now i have done what was requested to many with the utmost enthusiasm. But when you are a heavy gentlemen and want to basically smother me with your ass that is not at all acceptable and when trying to breathe you the reviewer just pressed harder. i am not into those sessions where you feel that you are allowed to act that way.
But to all of you gentlemen that are truly gentlemen, I always give me best and all know that i am very accommodating. Within reason. Just check the other 170+ YES reviews. But the ladies reading this, the reviewer basically wants to be very degrading to you and has no feeling towards whether you want to do something or not. Proceed with caution.