hob·by 1 (hb)n. pl. hob·bies An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
Is this really a hobby? I would love to hear some thoughts about what this is to the gentlemen. I will bet it is something unique and special to each individual. A hobby per se? I don't know.
Ladies, feel free to chime in a share what this is to you, from your perspective as well. Is it just a job or is it more? I am pretty sure if any ladies answer, I know what they are going to say. It is the old cliche "I love what I do".
Originally Posted by GP
Only if that is your def of a hobby as well..for men..yes this may be a hobby until...... they find a lady they really connect with..then it turns to a ..what...something you do alot..or every once in awhile or what once a year...
what actually is a hobby?
Something you do once a week or 3 times..some folks have hobby's they enjoy everyday..
so tell me sir..what is actually the def of a hobby..is there a time period that should laps between the hobby activity or is there not?
cuz I'm gonna tell ya I have a friend who just recently admitted to me this last week, the last time he indulged in his fav hobby was about 3 years ago...yet still...claims it to be his hobby....sooooooooooooooo..... what is the real def of a hobby?