This is just an observation I want to share, so FUCK YOU in advance, if you say "and your point is?" or "we are supposed to care why?"
I have been playing 2-3 times a week for a good while. Probably too much, but what the heck. About 50-50 on new and repeats. I am very undemanding of the ladies I see. I'm not going to do anything crazy. Just show up, enjoy, leave. Lately, it seems as if some of the regulars and ones I have not seen before have a crummy attitude. In a short period recently, I have been NCNS twice by repeats, I know that it has always been like that, but I still think it sucks. I have had new ones agree to a meeting, the go silent. Some repeats that I really like have recently upped rates beyond what I am willing to pay.
My response to this? Once a week, maybe, and pick up the slack with some real world stuff.