;) With permission

I post this link. Please read til the end. I will not be posting any commentary, just praying for peace and love to you all!

Please just read it and move on in happiness and friendship ;*

Enjoy ur history!

Respectfully Lacey

Please also follow this
link in the above thread in the paragraph beginning "as a principal port...":

"Atlantic Slave Trade".
tok07's Avatar
  • tok07
  • 03-02-2016, 07:20 AM
while I found both articles interesting....I can safely say to the second article "10 things...." that #6 is totally incorrect.....TECHNICALLY it was started when 'indentured slaves" were brought from Europe ...but the FIRST slave was NOT bought by a black man at all.....!!!!
What's most interesting is the date on the second link is TODAY... how cool is that
I don't even know why I'm posting a comment, but here it goes.

First of all, neither of these sources have any credibility. Simply being on the internet does not make something true.

Additionally, I find this thread to be disingenuous in that the information contained in the links infers that Africans are responsible for slavery and a person of color started slavery in America.

People are not property: slavery in any form is wrong. If you fall into a group of people that were on the wrong side of history with respect to slavery, comfort yourself not by deflecting blame but by choosing to live your life colorblind.

Lastly, it is my opinion that this thread belongs in the sandbox I don't find discussions about racism sexually stimulating at all, but maybe that's just me.
The first link has 198 credible sources, just click on the references tab and match the citations in the text to the source/s. It's not difficult!
The second link is a Nigerian discussion board thread posted TODAY about us and 'all of our' history. I found it fascinating that half way around the world, these people were having the same discussion. Their's seems more civilized though! Notice... they speak English! They are also more socially advanced than us! Follow the links on their board and see. It's quite fascinating!
Notice... they speak English! They are also more socially advanced than us! Follow the links on their board and see. It's quite fascinating! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
They speak English because their masters and the Queen stuck a foreign flag in their ground.

Also, I've been there several times and they are not as socially advanced as you might think.
Show me... giggles... I gotta passport... "eeeeeeee" (that's my internet grin). I do know they are now the new S. Africa and are hitting the global scene with say "Air Jordan's". I bet that's what takes u there, Huh? Business? Oil? I know GE is real active over there as is some taboo businesses. We need to start exporting cotton textiles... there's a flip of the script! But first we need to stop all the cotton crop dusting that's got asthma and cancer so "on the rise" in Alabama and Mississippi. The asthma population is 5 times what it was a decade ago. Before that happens, we need honest news outlets.

Yes, I know there is a lot of underground activity and gvmt corruption. We are no better! Look at us. What are we... 6th in the world in human trafficking? I seen a report one day that an estimated 80% of abductions in the US are linked to "The Black Market"; which is the largest market on the globe having grown from I think it was 150b to 600b in the last 2 decades surpassing oil and diamonds a while back. That's off the top of my head. But yeah I know, they have poverty and corruption too. But need I say "Trayvon Martin"? And I am referring to not only what happened but the sick protectionism of the Sunshine Law and Gun advocates stacking the courts. We need "idiot laws"!!! We need back ground checks on politicians who appoint judges!!! Until then, we are no better! Yep, Dear Old Jeb. Glad he dropped out. We need more Republicans like Arlen Spector and more Democrats Like James Traficant! Yeah the drunk guy from Ohio... at least he was honest! I followed him far too long to believe the scandal. RIP to both. 8(

Now why is it when a country such as Nigeria wishes to enter the global market, there was a flag put em? Is there a flag on China. There was the 75 years agreement w Hong Kong but that's over. Is the Bretton Woods Institution corrupt? Do u believe it's global welfare for which they sell their soul? Not me. I believe in air and opportunity.